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Hi, everyone! It's AT here.

Before we get started with part 2 of the story, I thought it'd be nice to give a deeper explanation of what each song of the playlist meant.  I thought this would be a great way for you to connect yourselves deeper with the characters :) If you just want to keep on the story, skip this :p. Quick note: Each part (homecoming, infinity war, endgame and far from home) will each have their playlist :)

let's begin:

The song that started this journey. A few months ago, back in January, I was already pondering about writing this story, but I hadn't pulled enough courage to do so. Skyfall was the song that pushed me to do it. It has such a cinematic feel to it: I can close my eyes as I listen to this song and see Eleanor standing up from the debris, or Peter at the beach staring at the destroyed plane, this is the song that gets my imagination going. It's so mysterious, so movie-like, perfect for what I wanted to portray as the tone of the story.

I love this song. This was the song I'd imagine Tony and Eleanor listening to as they worked. I thought it'd be crucial for this song to be in the playlist since it represents Eleanor's naiveness/blissfulness before she even realized she had powers: she was just a kid working with Tony Stark, how cool is that?

Around the internet, I read some Reddit posts that claimed that Peter Parker was an indie head when talking about music. The 1975 is such a great band, with such a unique, raw feel. This song represents Eleanor's slow and gradual change of feelings, from seeing Peter just as a friend into something more. The first verse represents how the feelings started to show: She started to worry even more about him, she looked out for him. The 'Don't you see me?' portrays how Peter was naive to everything Eleanor was feeling. Yeah, there were some mixed signals here and there where we thought Peter was on the same page feeling-wise, but he ended up asking Liz out. This song is so majestic and important to the story, and it also represents how Peter slowly fell for her. (Or did he? We'll see)

This song just screams recklessness to me. The same recklessness Eleanor had in her veins when she thought she could control her powers. She felt powerful, above from others, obviously light-headed. This song represents that.

Every time I heard this song, I imagined Eleanor opening her eyes, crushed by the debris during the first verse. This song describes the turning point in both Peter's and Eleanor's thinking, they were just kids messing with adult stuff. But besides that, they showed who they really were: they didn't need a suit or Tony. 

A great song. This song also kind of represents how Eleanor felt about Peter: Did she really want to know how he felt? Besides, it has a rock vibe to it, perfect for El. This song also marks the end of the whole story, leaving you guys with a question: 
Do we want to know what's coming for them?

See you guys in the next update! 

SKYFALL | PETER PARKER [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now