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AFTER A THRIFT SHOP stop, Eleanor and Peter walked to their respective apartments in defeat. They didn't have the words, or the actions. As they rode the elevator, Peter was the first one to break the silence they've been in ever since Tony Stark left them at the front of the building.

"Hey, um." He started, not daring to look at her. Eleanor instantly knew it was because they were two tears away from bawling their eyes out. "Could you just, walk me to my door? I understand if-"

Eleanor cut his chatter off by holding his hand. The pair felt broken, and this small form of affection made Peter's heart skip a beat. Without saying anything else, Peter just gripped her hand tighter.

"Together, remember?" Eleanor commented, pulling the nerve to look at him. His eyes were red from crying in silence, his hair was also messy. She swallowed a knot that had formed inside her throat, and continued: "We'll be fine. Take this a time to recover. A-and to rest."

The girl chuckled at the image of the two: Peter wore a NYC tourist tee and Hello Kitty pajama bottoms while Eleanor wore a basketball jersey with boy's boxers: Tony Stark made sure they both got their punishment.

The metal doors opened. The girl inhaled, and exhaled a breath. "Come on." She said.

They broke off the hand holding, and Peter stepped towards his door. He knocked, and someone that was out of Eleanor's view answered.

"Oh God, Peter, thank God you're okay." Eleanor detected her mother's voice, and the teen started feeling doomed. Her mother gripped Peter's arms softly. "May has been so worried. Have you seen-"

At that moment, Eleanor's mother had stepped out of Peter's apartment. Her eyes were just as red as Peter's, her hair was just as messy and she looked beyond desperate. Her mother's expressions changed as soon as her eyes landed on her daughter, they went from a cry to a stern look.

"You." Her mother pointed at Eleanor. "Let's go. Now." The older woman then walked past Peter and Eleanor, towards the stairs. Eleanor just faintly waved Peter goodbye, and accompanied her mother.

Her mother entered her apartment first, and Eleanor followed shortly after. The teenager closed the door and observed her mother pace around in the living room.

"You won't believe the shit I went through today. May and I called five police stations. None of them would help. And then the ferry thing- I called your friends, I even called Mr. Stark, Eleanor. Couldn't you just pick up your phone for at least once? Studying, my ass." 

Eleanor was speechless. She just walked from being near the kitchen and sat on the living room couch.

"I got off work. May and I were already looking for the best pictures of you two for posters, I-" her mother stopped, her voice breaking and holding back tears. "Listen to me." The older woman faced her daughter, her hands together. "I want you to be very honest with me. Are you and Peter having sex?"

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