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ELEANOR HAD A LOT to think about during the 15-minute walk to a more crowded area of New York.  First off, she became skeptical about her dad's job: he got to work along with Tony Stark, and apparently, Bruce Banner. There was something off about that, and it was weird to her that her father never commented about it (well, he only bragged about his friendship with Tony Stark every now and then). Second, Peter and Mr. Stark: it sounded weird to say it out loud, but they were in outer space. After asking James more than a thousand times, she still hadn't received any updates from both of them. 

When Bruce and Eleanor could finally grab a cab, the teenager had to place her mask on again. The cab driver seemed ecstatic that both Hulk and Rogue were in need of his services. It was an elderly man, he had different band stickers inside his vehicle and a Stevie Wonder song playing on the radio. Eleanor knew instantly she'd get along with the guy. 

"Yo kid," the man driving addressed the teen a good 10 minutes into the ride, after he stopped questioning the doctor. "That ferry thing, how'd you do that?"

Eleanor chuckled lightly. "Well," she started, her voice altered thanks to James. "I don't feel like I did much. It was all P- Spider-Man's job. I just helped people stay safe."

"No girl, it was all you too. Don't underestimate yourself."

The girl smiled, glancing at the man through the rear mirror. "Thank you, sir."

"Between us," the driver questioned with a cheeky grin. "You two a thing?"

Eleanor thanked the whole universe she had a mask on, otherwise, the men would've laughed at her warm and red face. She could also feel Bruce's teasing look on her.

"Uh, I'll leave that to your imagination." The teenager returned, and the two men chuckled.

Eleanor looked out the window as the two men engaged in a conversation. "James," she began, her voice a whisper. "Anything new about Peter and Mr. Stark?"

"Nothing yet, Eleanor. I'm not able to connect with him."

The girl knew she had to calm down. Maybe when she got to the compound she'd ask Friday and maybe she'd have a more precise answer. 

"Well, fellas." The driver stopped at the gate. "This is your stop, I'm probably not allowed to go any further."

Both Eleanor and Bruce thanked the driver and exited the car, and before the girl could get that far from the taxi, the man spoke again.

"Hey, Rogue!" She glanced at the driver. "Don't underestimate yourself again, girl. The city loves you and the spider guy."

And without saying anything else, the man took off. Eleanor grinned inside her mask.

"Identify yourselves." Friday, Tony Stark's AI voice rang through the speakers at the gate. Eleanor looked at Bruce and saw that he had pushed the doorbell button.

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