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"SO?" MJ INQUIRED, SITTING across her best friend. Eleanor quickly lifted her eyes from her tray to MJ, then back to her food.

"So what?" Eleanor replied.

"Are you and Parker a thing now?" She asked lowering her voice. "You two sure are stuck to each other's hips."

Eleanor knew she was right. Ever since the event at the movie theater, she'd got significantly closer to Peter. They always flirted around, stayed up late patrolling the city, but never actually had the time to brand themselves as a couple. Eleanor felt uneasy talking about it, MJ wasn't the only one asking her that lately: it was also her mother, Ned, Betty sometimes, Cindy, Abe, the teachers, Mr. Stark, it seemed that everyone wanted them together. Eleanor didn't mind, though. She felt things were perfect just the way they were. Plus, patrolling the entire city by themselves kept them quite busy. She just knew she loved spending time with him, and that was enough for now. Heck, the pair hadn't even kissed yet, holding hands made them equally nervous.

"I don't know. He's my best friend." The girl being questioned answered, eating a grape. She chewed on it, swallowed and continued talking. "I don't know why it worries you that much."

"I just hope you don't ditch me for him." Michelle responded in a dry tone, and Eleanor knew she talked from the heart.

"I won't, MJ." Eleanor promised. "I won't."

"But still, you gotta admit that it's obvious he's head over heels for you."

Eleanor smiled to herself. Looking at her friend, she stayed modest. "Nah, I don't think so."

"Whatever you say." MJ returned when she saw both Peter and Ned entering the cafeteria, slowly approaching them.

"Hey guys." Ned neared the table first, Peter following behind. Before the two love birds could meet, Ned kept talking. "Hey, El, did you give your essay to Mr. Hastings?"

Eleanor raised an eyebrow at him. "It's not due until Monday."

"Uh, didn't you get the email saying he wanted it today?"

Eleanor's plastic fork fell from her fingertips and she picked her backpack from the floor quickly, muttering curses under her breath.

"Shit, I've got to talk to him, bye!" She bid her friends goodbye and ran through the exit doors, towards the teacher's lounge.

SKYFALL | PETER PARKER [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now