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ELEANOR RAN THROUGH THE suburbs, it was late at night and most people were inside their homes. The blasts became louder and louder as she approached the location, until they suddenly stopped. She did as well when she heard a car drive away. The teen found herself in an empty street, trying to find the car. Out of nowhere, she heard a car trying to speed off behind her, and when she turned, she jumped off to the side just in time, or the car would've hit her. She rose her head from the grass she fell onto and distinguished a van driving off, with what seemed Spider-Man hanging from the back door, sliding behind them. Eleanor quickly stood up and came up with a plan.

She lifted herself with her electricity to a roof top - which, she needed to practice more, since the landing was a bit rough - and jumped from house to house until the girl got a clear view of the speeding vehicle. On the right moment, she leaped from the roof, and landed on the top of the vehicle, making a loud thump noise. She grasped onto the metal edges of the roof to keep her balance.

"I knew you would keep your promis- Ouch!" Was the very first thing Spider-Man said when he saw Eleanor. She maintained herself on top of the speeding van and peeked in the vehicle back's opening.

"Hey guys, watcha doing?"

"Who the hell are you?" One of the guys asked, Eleanor quickly noticed that the van was filled with weapons, and he had one in particular on his hand, giving an unfamiliar purple glow that scared her.

"Just a friend of this guy." She replied, nudging the poor Spiderman who was still holding to the thin web.

"Might as well join the fun." The guy with the weapon replied, launching an energy blast towards the roof, but she moved fast enough. Eleanor peeked into the van once again, and lunged her hand towards the man, making an electric ray from her palm hit his hand. The man, cursing, dropped the weapon, which turned on by the impact and launched another energy blast at Spider-Man. Eleanor was scared, the energy blasts were way too powerful. She thought the weapons had to be illegal in some way. They were out of this world.

The vehicle reached a road bump, making Eleanor fall from the roof and making the guy fire another hole in the van. Eleanor fell into the hard concrete of the street, and in less than a few minutes, she saw the car slam Spider-Man to a parked car, and then through some garbage bins, before finally colliding to a brick pillar and falling onto the ground. She stood up, and ran towards the disguised man, lifting him up.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." He recovered himself, and both of them saw the car drive away. "We need to follow them, they got these powerful weapons, they're too dangerous."

Eleanor brushed off the fact that Spider-Man's voice seemed way too familiar and just turned to him to say, "Meet you there," and ran towards the vehicle. She wasn't speeding as much as she liked to, but she knew she ran faster than average. The people inside the van hadn't noticed Eleanor following them yet as they rushed through the suburban streets. She lunged her hand again, this time, towards one of the wheels, missing. She cursed and tried to lunge another electric ray towards any of the wheels.

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