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ELEANOR ARRIVED AT HER home, and while opening her door, she found her mother prepping herself for a shift.

"Hey, sweetie." The older woman said, grabbing her purse. "Late shift tonight. Lunch is on the stove, dinner in the fridge, and your package is in your room." She kissed her daughter goodbye in the cheek and left. Eleanor then closed the door and ran towards her room.

Moments later, the girl stared at herself in her mirror. Her reflection stared back at her, and even though she wasn't used to seeing herself like this, she liked it. The suit had a perfect fit, it looked gorgeous in white, even though it would attract a lot of stains. She also had her black belt and black combat boots. Eleanor had also taken off the leather gloves she usually had on to give a better effect. She then reached towards her curtains and closed them, making her room a little darker. The teen took two steps back from the mirror.

She stared at herself and took a deep breath. Eleanor then opened her hand, and blue, lighting rays going from her fingertips to the palm of her hand. She smiled at herself, feeling some sort of weird pride. She looked, and felt, like a superhero. Sure, she felt that not telling Mr. Stark about her new purchase would be kinda chaotic, but she liked this. But one thing was in question,

How the hell I'm gonna hide my identity? She asked herself.

But then, an idea popped into her mind. She felt so dumb for not thinking of it before. And it could be as an homage to her, now dead, dreams of becoming a surgeon. She grabbed her phone and looked for a medical supplies store. As the teen was taking her suit off, she approached her mirror, to wipe a smudge of eyeliner on her eyelid.

She raised an eyebrow but eventually shook it off. She took the rest of her suit off and placed normal clothes on before heading out.

An hour later, the teen walked the streets of Queens with her brand-new, black mouth cover. Eleanor was hyped about her first night on patrol when a newspaper caught her eye. She stopped at the stand, where a picture of the security footage she starred in made her look closer.

"QUEENS TEENAGER GOES ROGUE, THOR'S RELATIVE?" The teen chuckled while reading the title, making her ego boost up the tiniest bit.

"Rogue." She muttered, loud enough just for herself to hear. It sounded just right, but there was something off with that name. It gave away more like a supervillain vibe, but she didn't care. She loved being named by the city. She bought the newspaper and went home, almost jumping in joy.


It was now late at night, and Eleanor was standing on the rooftop of her apartment building.

This is badass. She thought. She was staring out at the city with her suit on, including the mouth cover. The cold, air breeze went by her, moving her hair with the wind. She reached back, and placed it in a ponytail, before calculating her next move.

She got closer to the edge of the building, nervous. She jumped a little, shaking the nervousness away, calming herself down. The disguised teen placed her gaze on the building in front of her and ran. At the right time, she jumped and landing safely on the other building's rooftop. She smiled and screamed in victory.

Her night went on like that, running around the city, lifting herself up with her electricity, and staring at the city's horizon. She loved the feeling of wandering around at night. Eleanor had always loved the night scene of a city, but it felt different. While riding on her family car, she'd stared out the window, watching all the lights from buildings and cars nearby. But now, she jumped among them and ran rapidly by them.

Eleanor eventually got tired and sat on the edge of a building near the suburbs. She stared at the night sky. She felt that her father would've known what to do. It was dumb, but she just had a gut feeling that her father would've been a great guide through this mess. Although she didn't complain, Tony Stark was the best guide she could ever ask for. Her eyes traveled from the sky to her ungloved hands. Even though she planned to stay on patrol for a few hours, she had her leather gloves folded in a pocket of her suit, just in case.

She sighed. She wished she could tell someone, anyone about this. But once again, she didn't want to come across as a freak, or worse, as a monster. Eleanor had watched all the news reports about Thor, Wanda Maximoff, even Dr. Bruce Banner. Some people feared them. Eleanor had made a commitment to herself to work hard to control her powers to avoid being feared, but she thought that was inevitable. Tony Stark had told her countless times that she needed to be really careful with her powers, since it could overpower her.

She stood up and stared at the horizon. As she was about to leave, she heard an explosion from afar, making her turn her head towards the noise. Eleanor heard a blast and distinguished a mysterious cloud of blue smoke. Her heart started beating rapidly, her first ever crime as Rogue was about to begin.

She took a long deep breath, and jumped off the roof, safely landing on the ground, before running towards the noise.


a/n: kind of a short-ish chapter, but believe me, the next one is pretty lengthy! i'm sorry if I didn't give you the normal dose of Peter in this chapter, I really wanted to go through Eleanor's feelings for a bit, it will explain some things in the future.

thank you for all the reads!!!! it's insane!!!


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