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"SO, ARE YOU GONNA tell me sometime?" MJ asked as she walked beside her mysterious friend down the school halls to their class. Eleanor really appreciated her friendship: she was the very first girl best friend she ever had, and even though they didn't spend their days saying they love each other, she knew MJ really cared. And Eleanor did too. The pain of not being able to tell her what was actually going on became greater and greater as days went by.

"Huh?" Eleanor returned at first and then replayed the question in her mind. "Oh, uh, we live in the same apartment complex, and there was a fire alert. When we got there, it was already controlled, but we stayed because both my mom and May were terrified."

Eleanor smiled to herself as she remembered when Peter agreed that it would make a good alibi story when they ate pizza in her bedroom two nights ago. 

MJ's lips formed into a straight line as the two strolled. "You didn't miss much, really. Liz got homecoming queen, and Flash got king. By the way, today's the premiere of Tarantino's new movie, wanna go?"

"Sure, absolutely," Eleanor replied, smiling. Both teens started talking about some other topic when their respective eyes landed on the situation happening in front of them: It was Liz accompanied by her Mom and the principal, taking out the things inside her locker.

The other two girls walked faster towards her.

"Liz, you're leaving?" MJ asked, and Liz turned to look at the pair with tears in her eyes.

"Y-yeah, uh, moving to Oregon." She responded, taking the last book and placing it on the box her mother was holding. Eleanor just watched in silence.

"Oh man." MJ continued, placing her hand on Liz's arm since she wasn't a person of hugs. "I wish you the best of luck."

"Liz, I-" Eleanor started.

"Oh, El." The older girl reached out and hugged Eleanor. "I'm gonna miss you, I'm gonna miss everyone."

Eleanor didn't think twice about hugging back, but it just ached her inside knowing that she was the reason behind all of this.

"I'm gonna miss you too Liz, anything you need, you can always count on us."

The older girl broke the hug and wiped a tear. "I'm sorry about what happened at your apartment. Peter told me. I hope your mom is okay."

"Y-yeah, she just got really scared, but she's fine. I had to stay with her all night to make sure she was fine, which, she is." Eleanor blabbered and chuckled lightly, with Liz mimicking her actions.

"Well girls, I wish you both the best," Liz said between tears. "I gotta go now, I've got to talk to Mr. Harrington."

Liz strolled away with the other two adults behind her, as they walked to the teacher's lounge. Eleanor's heart felt a huge pang. She knew didn't she deserve that.

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