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IT WAS THE NEXT DAY, and Eleanor was dying on the inside to tell someone about how amazing Tony Stark's lab was. He had about thousands of suits, different colors, different purposes, it blew the girl's teenage mind.

She contemplated telling Peter about the internship and the lab that morning, but she wasn't sure yet. Her mind kept pondering around that topic during lunch, as her fork played with the pasta on her tray.

"Sup, loser." Eleanor's ears recognized a familiar voice nearing her, and when she looked up, she noticed it was Michelle.

"Hi MJ." She replied. Eleanor had recently invented that nickname for Michelle, even though she said she didn't like it, Eleanor knew deep down she did.

"Hey, there's this serial killer exhibit up in North Corona, wanna come?"

"I can't." Eleanor immediately replied, something she cursed at herself for.

"Why?" The brunette turned to the other teen, confused, but still unamused.

She wouldn't judge me. Eleanor thought. I don't think she would care if I told her.
Her mind was tearing itself apart while deciding to tell her or not, but, it wouldn't hurt having one person knowing, right?

"I have an internship." Eleanor resumed.

"That's cool. Where?" MJ grabbed the milk carton she had on her tray and opened it. She then drank it, the worst timing for the other teen's reply. The cafeteria was almost full at this point, bustling with noise, making Eleanor think that maybe, her answer wouldn't be heard.

"Stark Industries."

Eleanor expected MJ to spit all of her milk onto her, and to go on questions like, if Tony Stark was as handsome as he is on TV, or if she gets to use his suits (like her mother did), but instead, she just received a glare.

"Really?" Michelle's eyes squinted at her, her tone and facial expressions giving away that she didn't believe her for one bit.

"What?" The other teen asked. "It's true."

"I believe ya." Michelle said. "It's weird. I have this friend who's in that thing, and he just disappears all the time. I just thought it was a lame excuse, but, I guess it's true."

It was now Eleanor's turn to stare and squint her eyes. "Wait, what? Who?"

"Ha, let's make this fun: I'm gonna have you guess who he is."

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