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IT WAS NOW 6:55 AM, and Eleanor was already waiting at the front steps of the apartment building. She was sitting down on the top of the 5 steps, earphones in, and just gazing at the weirdly unbusy street. It was one of those mornings she'd felt her father's absence the most, since he used to drive her to school. Before getting lost to the sound of a sad The 1975 song, she felt a presence beside her. She looked up and saw Peter, mouthing something she couldn't comprehend.

"Huh?" She asked, taking an earphone out.

"I asked if you were ready." He laughed at her confused expression.

"Oh, uh," the girl rose up and paused the music from her phone, putting it on the front pocket of her jeans. "yeah, I am."

"L-let's get going then."

The two teens strolled away, and at first, there was an uncomfortable silence. Eleanor was okay with it, since they had just met a few days ago, and she didn't even know where to start. She had pulled the courage to speak when Peter spoke first.

"So, where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from San Francisco."

"Really?" Peter had both of his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie, trying to generate some heat in that cold morning. "That's pretty cool, why'd you move?"

"Um," Eleanor pondered.

Should I tell him about everything? She thought. She hadn't told anyone from her school, at least yet. The girl wasn't comfortable enough to tell why she moved, and she was afraid that if she told people that it was thanks to Tony Stark's help, they would treat her differently.

"My mother and I needed a fresh new start." Perfect, Eleanor thought. It's technically not a lie, but not the truth as a whole. "What about you, Peter? Have you been here all this time?"

"Yeah, basically."

The awkward silence was about to return but Eleanor stopped it just in time. "Well, Queens seems nice, so far. People are really nice."

Peter kept quiet for a bit before replying, "Yeah, at least most of them."

"Hey," the girl looked at him. "Let's play twenty questions, maybe that way we'll get to know each other better."

Peter returned the smile Eleanor had plastered on her face. "Sounds nice. I'll start, what's your favorite food?"

"Maybe sushi, or anything from the asian cuisine. What about you?"

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