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AFTER BOTH TEENS HAD arrived home, Eleanor found herself fixing up her suit inside her room. The girl had taken a bath earlier, and now Peter's wet sweater was displayed on a hanger on her door handle. Eleanor realized that she needed to find a way to make her suit waterproof, and while at it, she wished she had any of Tony's lab tools, it would make the job way easier. She was working when she got a notification from her phone. Lowering down the music, she grabbed it. It was a message from Peter.

Peter: Hi. You still up?

They had arrived home at 10, and it was 12 am at the moment.

Eleanor: Yeah, why? The girl texted back.

The response was instant.

Peter: I need your help. Should I come down or you come up?

Her heart involuntarily fluttered. She shook her head slightly, throwing that thought away, and typed another reply.

Eleanor: You come down. I'll be waiting here.

As soon as her fingertips lifted from the screen, she ran to the nearest mirror to at least, glam herself up a little. She studied her reflection: she was wearing an Guns N' Roses tee, with black sweatpants. Her light-brown hair was tied in a ponytail that she found decent.

Why do I care this much? She thought.

A knock on her window startled her, she turned and saw Peter wearing a dark blue hoodie, grey sweatpants, and he had the glowy, purple thing in his hand. Eleanor walked towards the window and opened, letting Peter in. Peter looked around slowly, before turning to the other teen present in the room.

"Okay, so," he started. "You know about my thing. And I know about your thing." He eyed the suit that rested on her desk. "I think that indirectly makes us a team. A team that works together to save the neighborhood, right?"

Eleanor had her arms crossed. She looked at him weirdly. "I suppose so. We really can't talk about our, " she used her fingers to mimic quotation marks. " 'things' to anybody else. So yeah, we're a team."

Peter gave her a mouth-closed smile, which made Eleanor's heart flutter, once again. That feeling needed to stop.

"Okay, with that clear, I need you to help me figure out what this is." He then took out of the bag the glowy purple thing.

"This what the guys had in their weapons, right?" She unknowingly lowered her voice, even though she was the only one in her apartment.

"Probably. Don't know. That's why I needed your help, to figure out what that is. I want to know your thoughts about this." 

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