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ELEANOR SLOWLY OPENED HER eyes and realized that uncomfortable, strange feeling she had a couple of months ago was back. Something felt off. She slowly rose from her bed and stretched out to turn her new alarm clock off. She looked around and just felt as if bricks were poured onto her shoulders.

"Hey El, would you like some-" Her mother barged into her room, placing an earring on her ear, but stopped talking as soon as she saw her daughter sitting on her bed, staring at nothing. "You okay?"

"I-I just, I don't know. I feel off, like something's off." Eleanor replied, quietly. She knew that this feeling was way stronger than last time.

Her mother approached her and sat beside her. She slowly massaged her daughter's back, hugging her.

"Drink some water and eat something, you look pale. Don't worry about it, this feeling's probably gonna wear off throughout the day. Aren't you guys going to MoMA today?"

Eleanor smiled slightly. "Yeah."

"Maybe you're just nervous." Her mother returned, kissing Eleanor's forehead briefly. "Come on, Peter's probably already waiting downstairs."

The teenager changed into some jeans, a band tee, and her brown jacket. She then opted for some black converse. As she placed her backpack strap on her shoulder, she eyed her white suit that hanged inside her closet. She hesitated a bit and took it, just as a precaution. Eleanor then took her phone out and quickly dialed Peter.

"Hello?" Peter's morning voice responded.

"Hey, are you downstairs already?"

"No, not yet. Why?"

"I just," Eleanor placed her phone between her shoulder and cheek as she folded her suit neatly, behind all her books. She knew that taking her suit to school would be incredibly dangerous, so she took a black scarf and wrapped it around the white fabric, making it look like it was the bottom of her bag. "I don't know. I feel something's off. Take your suit."

"Okay.." Peter's words dragged along lightly. "You okay, El?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. See you downstairs in a few minutes."


"Seriously guys, she's scaring me." MJ whispered to Ned and Peter, watching Eleanor buy some snacks at the vending machine in front of them. She looked scared, almost empty. The girl blankly stared at the machine, as her snacks slowly fell. 

"She'll be fine," Ned commented, looking at both of her friends. "But we need to head to the buses now, or they'll leave us behind."

"You guys go ahead," Peter started. "I'll talk to El."

MJ and Ned's lips formed into a straight line as they walked towards the entrance of the school. Eleanor had just picked up her chips and juice box when she realized Peter was right next to her.

SKYFALL | PETER PARKER [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now