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a/n: listen to Skyfall while reading this, you're welcome.

ELEANOR AND PETER CLIMBED ONTO the roof of the building the flying dude was in. Peter opened a small metal door, and with Eleanor on his back, both teens descended slowly, studying the room. The girl was astonished as they reached the ground and she jumped off Peter's back: they were surrounded by monitors, devices, and tools. 

Eleanor stepped away from Peter, she looked around, and something a floor below her caught her eye. She quickly nudged her friend on his arm, as they looked at the empty wingsuit. 

"If the suit's here, where the hell is he?" The girl muttered, puzzled. Peter then pointed towards a hall, both teens thought alike and went towards the faintly lighted corridor, which led them to a huge space, similar to a parking lot. Eleanor walked through, and her eyes eventually landed on a man at the end of the huge room, as he was focused on the table in front of him. 

"Hey!" Peter shouted as he walked towards the man, Eleanor following behind. "Surprised?" 

"Oh, hey, Pete. I didn't hear you come in." The man replied, leaving the tools he had on his hands back on the table. He looked at the other teen. "I see you brought your friend with you."

"It's over, we've got you." Peter's anger was evident in his words. The girl opened her palms on her sides slowly, as a small precaution. 

"You know, I gotta tell you, Pete, I really admire your grit. I see why Liz likes you, I do." The man returned and it felt like a punch in the gut for Eleanor. "When you first came to the house, I wasn't sure. I thought, 'really?', but I get it now."

"How could you do this to her?" Peter asked, standing a considerable distance from the man. Eleanor seemed this was a talk between them and didn't feel comfortable enough to interrupt just yet. 

"To her? I'm not doing anything to her, Pete, I'm doing this for her."

"Huh, yeah." The teen replied and shot a web to the man's hand, stumbling a glass bottle in the process.

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