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Who else laughed at Grayson last chapter? I did😂

Please comment and vote, happy reading!💛


  I stood there, dumbfounded, staring at Grayson as I heard dad's car pull off. Grayson continued on to take groceries out of their bags, completely ignoring the fact that he just told my dad we were in a serious relationship and was given keys to "our" new house. After he finished unbagging everything, he looked up with a confused expression. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

  "Is everything okay?" He had the audacity to ask me that?! Boy, I should take that pair of scissors and shove it in-
Jasmine, chill.

  I sucked in a deep breath before turning on my heel and storming off to my bedroom, slamming it shut and standing against the door

  "Is he fucking serious? Is everything okay?" I mocked his words to myself as I threw my robe off of me and pulled on my undergarments, Mickey Mouse pajama pants, and a Winnie the Pooh black tank-top. Not attractive? I don't care. I feel like crap. It feels like someone has two butcher knives and is shoving it into my lower belly, grinding them every two seconds. I'm also craving tacos like crazy ever since he mentioned them, but I will not back down.

  I climbed into bed and got into the tornado position to help calm my belly down. My face was in my mattress, my knees down and butt was in the air as my arms hugged my belly. I groaned in pain as another cramp came, I want to cry right now. I threw my fleece blanket over me and went back to the same position. People don't understand how much better this position makes period cramps feel.

  To my dismay, my door flung open and Grayson walked in. I looked over at him and his eyebrows were connected in confusion, "The hell are you doing?"

  "Go away," I said into the mattress and he chuckled, "Is that helping your pain?"

  I huffed and nodded. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap. I groaned as he did this, the pain coming back. He placed my head on his chest and starting rubbing my belly softly. This weird affection made me happy and my cramps lessened, fortunately. "Why are you upset at me?" He asked, his deep voice seemingly bounced off of the walls.

"We're not in a relationship, let alone a serious one. Why would I share a house with you?" I asked bluntly and he sighed

  "If I'm being honest, I don't know why I said what I said. It came... naturally. All I could think about is you in that house alone, farther away from me... or with another man... and it came out like word vomit." He explained and I felt my heart race with happiness. I could hear his heart beating irregularly since I was resting against his chest.

  "So... wh-what does that mean?" I asked, pulling back to look up at him. "Wanna share a house with me?" He asked hopefully and I giggled, "I hardly know you, Gray." He shrugged, "What better way to get to know someone than to live with them?"

  I laughed and nudged his shoulder playfully, "That's backward ass logic." He laughed, too, "Was that a yes or a no?"

  "It's a yes, but I have two conditions," I started and he nodded, "One, we're not sleeping in the same bed. Two, my friends and I pick our rooms first." He nodded, "Fair enough. So when do we move in, roommate I like to fuck?"

  My eyes widened in shock at his bluntness and he fell backward on the bed laughing hard, me tumbling on top of him. I hopped off of him and rolled my eyes as he finally calmed down, "We have to stop having... sex."

  His eyebrows furrowed, "Why?" I rolled my eyes once again as I walked to the closed door, "I don't want to have meaningless sex with someone for the rest of my life. I eventually want to settle down and have a family. If we continue, I'll probably catch feelings and I don't want to be humiliated because of it being one-sided. So friends or nothing, kay?"

  He shot up out of bed and locked me against the door, his arms proving as cages so I couldn't move. His eyes scanned my own as if searching for something, "You already have feelings for me and you're scared that I'll hurt you, aren't you?"

  I gulped, how can he read me so easily? I hate him having this much power over me, I feel so vulnerable and I hate it, "Stop." His face stopped only inches away from mine, him bent down at my level, as his eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes again, "You're scared that I have power over you and you've been in a situation where you feel small and you despise it."

  "Grayson, please," I pleaded, he's using my weakness against me to mock. "You're scared of how you feel so soon after loving another man," He continued his lips barely brushing the side of my mouth. My heart was hammering against my chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to his body. His warmth was welcomed and I felt a sexual pull to him, but I can't because it's that time of the month.

  "Jasmine, your feelings are not one-sided and I won't hurt you," He whispered and I looked into his eyes. He was being sincere and it almost overwhelmed me when he leaned in the rest of the way and kissed me.

   He pulled back after a minute and smiled, "I want to take you on a couple of dates before anything. Excluding the moving in part. I want to get to know you, you intrigue me and you have since we bumped into each other at the club."

  I nodded in agreement, "Okay, but can we have tacos now?"

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