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Luis is dead, Grayson wants to pursue a personal vendetta, and Jasmine is awake, all in one chapter. What the heck?!

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"Gray?" I croaked out. The last thing I remember is Grayson standing over top of me, scared, and crying. Now I wake up in my room with IVs and heart monitor patches attached to my body. There's a bandage wrapped around my abdomen and it's sore, my head is killing me and the bright light is hurting my eyes. I began to panic, what happened to me? I was shot? Am I in heaven or hell? Where's Grayson? All I want is Grayson-

I was cut from my thoughts when my door slammed open and Gray ran in. His eyes were wide and wild, there was blood all over his clothes and face. He was breathing heavily and stood there, staring at me, dumbfounded. "Gray?" I whispered, tears beginning to fill my eyes as I panic. My heart monitor started going crazy, beeping faster and faster. His head snapped towards it and then he looked at me, realizing I was beginning to hyperventilate. He ran over to me and dropped to his knees beside my bed, holding my hand and kissing it over and over again.

"Oh my fucking God, you're awake. I missed you so much, I can't believe you're okay," He cried into my hand, his warm tears coating my hand. I regained control of my breathing and slowly sat up. He noticed what I was trying to do and quickly helped me. He swung my legs over to the side of my bed and kneeled in front of me as I reached to my belly, feeling the bandage, "What happened?"

"Luis..." He trailed off angrily and my eyebrows furrowed, "Your friend, Luis?"

He growled lowly, "Luis was no friend of mine. He shot you because his dad lied to him and told him the wrong information. His dad is my boss and had him put the hit out on you because he knew how much you mean to me..." I nodded slowly, "Is... is that blood on your face-"

"It's Luis's. He's dead, he won't hurt you anymore, baby," Gray said and for some odd reason, I felt my heart warm at the fact that he would do anything for me. Even if that meant taking someone's life who harmed me. I wrapped my arms around Grayson's neck and he hugged me back tight, but careful not to hurt me or my wound. He pulled away from the hug and leaned in, planting a desperate kiss on my lips. He stood up and walked away a bit, "Unfortunately, I have to go finish a certain business. But the girls and Jordan will stay with you and keep you company. I promise I'll be back soon, I love you-"

He cut himself off and I gasped at what he said. I didn't realize he felt the same way I did. He let it slip so nonchalantly as if he had been needing to say it. He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck, "Well, that's definitely not how I wanted to tell you..." I giggled and motioned for him to come back. He came back and knelt down, hugging me. I pulled back and looked at him seriously, "I love you, Gray." He laughed out of excitement and hugged me tightly. I inhaled sharply from the soreness of my belly and he cursed silently before letting me go, "Shit, sorry, I got too excited."

I giggled again, "It's okay, come home to me, please." He smiled and kissed my forehead, "Always, beautiful." Then he left and Kelly, Monique, and Jordan came in.

"Food?" Jordan asked and I nodded, "Don's bar and grill, tell him it's for me and he'll know what to make, thank youuuuuuu Jordy." He chuckled and nodded, "I'm glad you're awake, sport. Took you long enough," he said before leaving to get my food. Kelly and Monique both hugged me simultaneously and I grinned, "Will you guys help me bathe and brush my teeth? I feel absolutely disgusting." As soon as the words left my lips, they both laughed, hard. My eyebrows connected in confusion, "What?" Monique was the first to speak up, "Leave it to you to be in a coma for two weeks and worry about how 'gross' you are."

My eyes widened, "Two weeks?!"

Kelly stopped laughing, "Oh, shit. We thought Grayson told you already." I shook my head, I've been in a coma for two weeks! They helped me up to get clean...


"This burger is so damn good," I moaned as I swallowed the last bite and Jordy laughed at me. Kells and Moe went to bed, Jordan offered to watch me until Grayson came back. Jordan and I could be good friends, I already like him. He's a goofier version of Gray. "I'm glad you're awake, for Grayson's sake..." He trailed off as he looked at me seriously. I cocked an eyebrow, "For his sake?"

He nodded, "He completely fell apart. He broke everything breakable in your room, screaming at you to wake up, that he couldn't live without you. We even had to get your balcony door replaced. He didn't eat, he didn't talk to anyone. He spent every minute by you and trying to figure out who would hurt you and why..."

I looked down at my hands, feeling guilty. I didn't realize he felt so deeply for me and I tried running away from him, I thought he was going to hurt me or even kill me. Why the hell would I do that? I feel so shitty, I just want my bed to open up and swallow me, make everyone forget about me so they can live a great life.

  "Hey, don't be upset at yourself. It's not your fault..." Jordy said and my door opened, revealing a bloody, busted up Grayson. His face was split open, large cuts all over his body. Blood was pouring from his wounds, but he smiled at me, a bloody grin.

  "I got your justice, baby," He said before coughing and falling over onto the ground...

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