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Phase two sounds rough, I'm personally stoked to see her progress. How's everyone doing today?

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Diego Montoya


"Right, again!" Nick shouted at her and I watched as she bit her inner cheek in concentration. She raised her right leg and kicked the bag, causing it to shake from the beam it was hung on. My eyebrows raised, I can't say I'm not impressed with my girl. She's strong, she's fast, she's smart. She's everything I ever wanted- no. She's everything I ever needed.

I looked over at my uncle and he smiled at me, "You've got a good one. Let's walk over to the other room and see how her friend is doing. She started knives, not physical combat." I nodded as I snuck one last look at Jas, my erection in my pants growing hard at how sexy she looks fighting my friend. I shook my head and pushed the thoughts out of my mind as I stopped walking. I looked through the door's window at Monique and she was doing excellent with her knife work, but Emmanuel was still too fast for her. He's almost as fast as me, that's saying a lot.

I excel in all aspects of combat: physical, knives, guns, technology, etc. That's precisely why I'm leading this revolution with my uncle. Jordan didn't want the responsibility, that's exactly why he's not leading with his father and me.

Monique groaned loudly as Emmanuel cut her lightly on the belly. He rolled his eyes in frustration, "You will die if you go into combat with this cocky ass attitude! Admit that you only know street fighting and get your head out of your ass, Monique." His Spanish accent was thick and I chuckled at them with Ezekiel. "She needs to start combat with her brother. Switch them out by tomorrow. You tell them two that training is over today, I'll tell Jasmine and Nicholas," I said and Ezekiel nodded.

I walked down the hallway until I reached the second training room. I walked through the doors and Nick looked over while fighting Jasmine. She took the opportunity and completely laid his ass out. I'm not joking, he's not awake. My eyes widened and so did hers, she didn't expect to have that much of a hit on him. I jogged over to her and she looked at me, nervous, "Is he okay? Why isn't he waking up?"

"He's okay, beautiful. I'm proud of you." Just as the words came out of my mouth, a groan came out of Nick's as he stumbled to his feet. He rubbed the back of his head and smirked at her, "Goddamn, girly." She smiled sheepishly whilst untaping her fists. "You girls are switching tomorrow. You'll be working with Emmanuel and Monique will be coming to you, Nick." He threw his head back and dramatically groaned, "She's been beating my ass for over twenty years, why do I have to fight her?"

"Because you've been fighting a street fight, dummy," Jas said with a giggle and he rolled his eyes while nodding. I walked over to the bench and handed Jas her water while I dabbed her face with the wet towel, "You take a shower and when you're done- meet me in the theatre room. Everyone is having a movie night."

Her eyes brightened up and it took everything in me not to take her little innocent ass the way I want her. She smiled, standing on her tip-toes to kiss my cheek before walking out to take a shower. God, I love that woman.


"Hi, I'm Diego, Jordan's boyfriend," Diego introduced himself to my girl and Moe. My girl's breath hitched in her throat as she shook his hand with a smile. She's hesitant because of what she did with Jordan. Diego knows everything, he's fine with it just like me. We aren't children anymore and we have much more to worry about besides drunken mistakes. Diego and I don't even count it cheating since they didn't fuck and they both completely feel disgusted by it.

I rubbed her back for some reassurance as she smiled at him. I leaned down and whispered, "Wasn't so hard, was it?" She blushed slightly and shook her head as she leads me to our seats. She sat down and I did the same, wrapping an arm around her. She leaned into my chest, causing immediate warmth to flood through me. I love when she's this close to me, I can't explain why, but it makes me feel like I'm home. I don't have a permanent physical house, but I do know that she's my home and always will be.

The movie started a while ago... I haven't paid a lick of attention to it considering I have the most gorgeous girl in the universe lying on my chest. I love watching her eyes widen at something happening or the way I can feel her pulse quickening when she gets nervous at a part in it. I mindlessly stroked her hair and she moaned quietly in relief, she loves when I do that. Her moan did the opposite effect on me, instead, it started causing blood rush to my dick. I internally groaned, why must my dick ruin all of these cherish-able moments?

I moved my hand down and started rubbing a tense knot from her back, no doubt due to combat training. She moaned again and I'm going out of my mind. She has got to stop before I take her elsewhere. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Stop that moaning before I have to take you to my room."

I felt her pulse quicken underneath my fingers and she moaned again, disobeying me out of spite. I wrapped my fingers around her throat and squeezed slightly. I watched in amusement as she squeezed her thighs together, trying to get some relief from her sexual tension. I traced my fingertips around her neck, just how she likes. I know this turns her on, that's precisely why I'm doing it.

She stifled another moan and my dick is completely hard now. I stood up and grabbed Jasmine's hand. I walked us out of the theatre room and upstairs to my room. Once we reached there, she softly closed the door and looked up at me through her thick lashes. I growled lowly and pinned her against the door

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