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I love Monique and Nick's siblingship, what about you guys?

Please comment and vote, happy reading, babes!💛


"W-what?" I stutter, trying to buy time from his blunt question. "What were you dreaming about? Your pupils were dilated... you were biting your lip and blushing... what were you dreaming about?" He taunted and I looked away, "Nothing!"

"Were you thinking about me fucking you?" He asked as he bent down a bit, his hand traveling dangerously low on my belly. My breath audibly hitched in my throat as I shook my head, "No." He hummed, taunting me even more as he kissed me slowly, "That's too bad. I'm going to bed, beautiful. If you need me, here's a keycard to my room right across the hall." He handed me his keycard and I smiled slightly at him, "Thank you, goodnight, Gray."

"Goodnight, Jas."


"Morning, bitch." I heard Monique's voice fill my ears and I groaned, "I don't wanna get up, that's the best sleep I've had in a while."

She chuckled and nodded in agreement. I looked over at the clock and it read eight o'clock. I climbed out of bed and slipped my house shoes on as I walked into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my hair and started brushing my teeth. I looked at myself and crinkled my nose, I look gross. Short, black shorts and a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. As I scrubbed my teeth, I started thinking about Kelly. She's been my best friend for forever, why would she betray me like that? We shared tears over boys, she was the best advice giver, she cared for me like a sister. She covered my face with makeup whenever Josh hit me the first time. She held my hand through everything tough in my life, her and Monique were my life-lines when mom died. Why would she turn on us? Why would she conspire against Grayson and everyone I care about, including me? Why?

I was pulled away from my thoughts when my gums started hurting by my vigorous brushing. I sighed and spit the toothpaste out, flossing quickly. I grabbed Grayson's keycard, "I'll be back in a sec," I told Monique and she nodded, too busy watching cartoons. I smiled and opened the door, walking over to Gray's. I put the keycard in and closed the door softly. I stopped in my tracks when I heard Grayson's voice echoing from his bedroom.

"So, tell me," Grayson demanded and I heard a groan, Jordy's here. "Jazzy's going to hate this, G," Jordy said and I heard Gray sigh, "I know, but we have to be sure. Nick, tell me. But please don't speak of this to Jas, I don't need her knowing about this." What am I going to hate? What can't I know?

"Kelly's cousins were definitely the Mendez's. She probably set everything up, you meeting her so she could get her revenge on Luisa, but then when you killed Luis everything changed. Kelly was definitely going to kill Jasmine, then Monique, and all of us," Nick's voice trailed off and I gasped, making them stop talking. I heard footsteps coming my way so I flung the door open as tears prickled my eyes. I ran down the hallway until I reached the elevator. I clicked the button as I saw Grayson's head peek around the corner at me.

Hot tears paraded down my face, Kelly was going to kill me? I can't breathe, I need air. I'm suffocating. I started breathing heavily as the elevator doors opened and I ran in, clicking the lobby floor button.

"Baby, wait!" I heard Grayson yell as his feet padded across the hallway, running. "Jas!" I gripped at my chest, trying to get the pain to go away. Just as Grayson stood in front of the elevator, the doors closed. "Fuck!" I heard him yell and I cried harder as I waited for the elevator to reach its destination. Once I reached the lobby, I followed signs that took me to the bar on the leveled floor. I wiped my tears and ordered two shots of straight vodka.

The bartender nodded, pouring me shots as I had requested. The lobby was busy, but I downed the shots anyways, not caring at all that it was nearly nine in the morning. My best friend was going to murder me because of a revenge quest she had on someone else. What the hell else would I be doing? I rotated my finger and the bartender smiled, refilling them, "Bad morning?" He was American. I chuckled as I threw the first one back, putting it back on the bar, "You have no idea."

"I don't see very many Americans in this hotel, you're the first in a while," He said with a grin and I threw the other shot back, "I'm with Grayson Blood." His face drained of color and he nodded, quickly refilling my drinks as if his life depended on it. "Oh," He said meekly and my eyebrows furrowed, "You okay?"

"Yes, I-I should get back to work..." He said before sauntering off. I shrugged, I don't really give a rats ass about new friends. I started feeling a familiar burn in my stomach and my head started feeling woozy. I threw another one back and giggled to myself, isn't life crazy? My mom dies, my ex-boyfriend becomes abusive, my best friend wants to murder me, my boyfriend is a mafia leader, I'm in fucking Barcelona getting hammered.

I threw the last one back and hopped off of the stool, walking towards the bartender and slurred my words, "Put that on Blood's tab, I'm sure he can afford it." He nodded and smiled as I turned around and stumbled. I felt someone hold me up and pick me up bridal style. I lazily looked over and giggled at their warm skin. It's the pretty bartender, "Wooooooo, you got me!"

"I'm never serving you six shots of vodka at nine in the morning again," He jokes and carried me to the elevator, "What floor?"

"Twenty... somethin... I think?" I laughed and he chuckled deeply. He's gorgeous, not gorgeous like Grayson though. "What's your name?" He asked and I shrugged, "What's yours?"

He smiled, "Thomas, who are you?" I grinned.

"Thomas is cool... like Tom and Jerry.. hmm... I'm Jasmine but since you're carrying me that ma-makes you my friend... call me J-Jazzy! Jas is o-only reserved for Grayson..." I hiccuped and he shook his head as he grabbed something from my pocket. "Twenty-third floor, room S. You're on the luxury floor."

I shrugged and let my head dangle as he pressed the button, still holding me. "Aren't you... supposed to be wor-working?" I slurred and he shrugged this time, "Barcelona isn't the place for a pretty girl to be drunk when all kinds of tourists are here, I figured I'd return you to safety for my own peace of mine."

"Niiiiiiiiice..." I slurred as my head still dangled, the elevator doors opened. He walked out, careful not to let my head hit anything, "Are you in Mr. Blood's room?" I huffed in response. "No! He wa-was going to liiiiiie"

He knocked on a door as he spoke, "Are you sure you're okay?" I giggled as a door opened, my head still dangling. "Yes! A pr-preeeeetty man saved me from tourists... my boyfrrriend was gu-gunna lie to me... and you made my day bet-better!" I giggled and slurred. "What the hell?" I heard Jordy's familiar voice speak and my head shot up as a grin plastered across my face, "Jordyyyyyyy!" He looked at my savior, "What happened?"

"Vodka, take care of her," The bartender said and I kissed his cheek as Jordy took me, "Th-thanks for not letting... me get killed!" The bartender blushed from my kiss and I wrapped my legs around Jordan's torso, my arms around his neck as I rested my head in the crook of his neck. "Mmm... sleep." My eyes shutting and sleep taking over me.

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