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Chapter thirty already?! 😱 I'm obsessed with this story and I'm truly grateful you've stuck around this far. I love you all!

Please comment and vote, happy reading!💛
Liam Guerrero

  Please comment and vote, happy reading!💛Liam Guerrero

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"He's here!" I shouted as Liam's car pulled in the driveway. Jordan and I had pulled Grayson onto my bed and hooked him up to the heart machines, waiting on Liam to get here. Liam climbed out of his car and grabbed his bag, jogging up the stairs. I opened the door and greeted him. "What happened?" He asked. "He came in, bloody and cut up, then he passed out. He's in my room," I explained and he nodded as we both jogged to my bedroom.

  Liam walked over to Grayson's side and looked at Jordan and me, "I work best alone." We nodded and left the room. We walked downstairs and sat on the couch with Kells and Moe. All of this moving around is starting to really hurt my gunshot wound. I groaned and placed an arm around my belly, causing Jordan to shoot by my side, Kelly to my other, and Monique in front of me. "Are you okay?" Monique asked and I nodded, "This moving around is just stressing my scar out. I need to take it easy-"

  Just as I was finishing my sentence, the front door slammed open and a beefy, tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes burst through. The four of us stood up and Jordan grabbed the gun out from his waistband, "And who the fuck are you?" He pointed the gun at the guy and cocked it. The man chuckled and grabbed his own gun from his jacket pocket, "Heard your boss killed our boss, we don't like not knowing who's in charge and knowing he's going around killing without motive. So I'm going to kill everyone in this house-"

  "Girls, look away," Jordan said and shot the guy's hand off that was holding the gun. My eyes widened and Monique and the man screamed, "What the hell?!" Just as Jordan was lifting his gun to finish the screaming guy off, five more guys walked in, guns blazing. My heart dropped to my stomach as they pointed their guns at my best friends and me. The girls stilled behind me and so did Jordan. These angry, revenge-seeking men will not come in here destroying things and people I love. My adrenaline pumping overpowered the fear and I did something I never thought possible.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not. Nope! Not in my house!" I shouted and opened the table near the couch where Grayson keeps a pistol for protection. I grabbed it out of there and shot a guy in the leg, he fell down and Jordan began shooting with me. I'm so glad my dad taught me how to shoot a gun once I turned sixteen. I shot everyone in the leg and Jordan finished them off as I did not have the heart. I swallowed the disgusting feeling, trying to keep in mind that they very well could've killed the people I love if I hadn't aided Jordan. Once we were done, Kelly and Monique were hiding behind the recliner, trying not to get caught in the crossfire. Jordan looked at me with an impressed face, "Didn't think you had it in ya, sport."

  "I just didn't want them getting to Grayson."

  He nodded and we put our guns down. "He's awake!" I heard Liam shout from upstairs and I looked up there as I heard a commotion. Grayson was standing at the top of the stairs with his jaw dropped, he must've seen everything. I tore my eyes away from him and walked over the bodies to close the front door. Just as I got there, my eyes widened as I saw a nasty man and he put the barrel of his gun against my forehead. I was just outside enough so that no one could see me and the half wall beside the stairs blocked Gray from seeing me as well.

  "Don't talk," the man with an accent I couldn't decipher said lowly and I nodded, putting my hands up. "What are you doing, Jazzy?" I heard Kelly and I gulped, if I talk now, my brains will be splattered in my house. He made me walk inside the house and walked behind me, the barrel on the back of my head.

  He kicked behind my knees, forcing me to fall to my knees on the ground in front of my friends. Jordan stood up with his gun and the man behind my cocked his. I cringed, waiting for the impact, but he spoke instead, "Put the gun down or I'll give you her brains instead."
  Jordan seethed angrily and I heard Grayson walk down the steps. My eyes widened and I looked at Jordan, silently telling him not to let Grayson see. Jordan looked up at him, "Go back upstairs, you need rest."

  "No, who's here? What did they say? Where's Jas?" Grayson said, weakly. Kelly looked up at him next, "No one's here, Grayson. You should go lay down."

  "No, where the hell is Jazzy?" Grayson demanded and Kelly sighed dramatically at him, "She's making your food, dammit, now go back upstairs, she's busy!" He groaned, but I didn't hear him go back up.

  I silently thanked her, but when she turned to me with giddy eyes, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. My best friend of so many years is in on this? She reached for the gun behind Jordan's back and my eyes widened.

  "Jordan, watch out!" I screamed and rolled out from under the man's grasp. He shot the floor in my place and I grabbed the gun, kicking him in his shin. He fell to the floor and I kneed him in the face. I could feel my stitches coming out, it hurt. I did something I never thought I'd do, yet again. I pulled the trigger on the man, right between his eyes.

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