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Our baby Jasmine will do what it takes for those she loves!

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Just as the bullet pierced through the man's skull, Kelly took off out the door. "You bitch!" Monique screamed so I locked it and threw the gun down. I started breathing heavily, not being able to catch my breath. Why can't I breathe properly? I touched the wall, trying to keep myself up. I started grabbing at my throat with my free hand, desperately trying to catch air right now. Grayson appeared in front of me, kneeling down and running his hands through my hair. "Jas, deep breaths. I'm right here, everything is here. You're here, you're okay. Breathe, baby, breathe," He cooed and I started to inhale real air. I breathed in through my nose and out of my mouth, slowly calming down. I fell to my knees and put my face in my hands as hot tears silently poured from my eyes.

"How could she?" I sobbed and Monique ran to my side, "I don't know baby girl. But we'll get her, you'll have to teach me how to use a gun, though." We both laughed and I inhaled sharply from the pain of my belly, "I think I ripped my stitches."

Grayson groaned, "I think I ripped mine too, running down here. Let's go grab Liam." I nodded and we both helped each other up the stairs while Monique laughed. Jordan called out, "A couple that limps together stays together!" I giggled and Gray playfully rolled his eyes as we reached my bedroom. Liam was waiting patiently on the bed, "I figured you'd both rip your shit, come on. Let me get you fixed up."

After a while of fixing us up, Liam left and Monique and Jordan said goodnight.

"I'm tired, Gray..." I said softly as I felt myself fall asleep. He nodded in agreement as we cuddled on the bed, "I'm going to call some of my men to watch the house, make sure no one tries anything tonight. Go ahead and go to sleep, beautiful. I'll be right there." I nodded and smiled slightly as he kissed my forehead and left the room to make his phone call. Just as I was about to completely doze off, I felt him climb in the bed and whisper, "I'm sorry for dragging you in this life, you deserve better..."


I woke up with a yawn and realized I was cuddled under Gray's arm. He stirred a bit and his eyes fluttered open, the light from the window beating down on our half-naked bodies. He groaned and stretched, looking over at me, "Good morning, gorgeous." I blushed and hid my face in the crook of his neck. He chuckled and we both climbed up out of bed, heading to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and my hair, he did the same. I'm glad he decided to take a shower after Liam fixed him up last night. I groaned and he cocked an eyebrow at me, "What's wrong?" I shrugged, "I wanna go back to sleep." He laughed, "We've got to get the day started, Ms. Coma." I rolled my eyes and threw a washrag at his face, "Shush, Mr. Justice."

He chuckled and I dragged my feet back into my room, hopping back on the bed. He stomped into my room dramatically, "Let me make you breakfast, come on!" I shook my head no and he huffed, "Fine, I'll carry you." My eyes widened, "You'll rip your stitches!" He shrugged and grabbed my hand. I pretended to accept defeat, getting up. Just as he started to walk me, I grabbed his hand and threw us both back on the bed. We both chuckled and he rolled over, hovering over me with one of his arms. For a man that has a stitch in his arm and his stomach, he's holding up pretty well. He looked so good in only a pair of black basketball shorts and underwear. The only thing I was wearing was my lavender shaded thong and a long-sleeve grey shirt.

  He bent down and kissed me, his hand roaming my body. I lifted my arms and cupped his face with my hands, deepening the kiss. He moaned into it and slipped his tongue in my mouth. He tasted of mint and the familiar taste drove me mad. I instantly felt heat pool between my thighs. His fingers traced lightly up my thigh and hooked around the thin strap of my panties. He slapped it against my skin and I giggled. He pulled away from the kiss and began to kiss down my face towards my neck. I moved my head to the side, allowing him more access.

"It's." Kiss.
"Been." Kiss.
"Too." Kiss.
"Fucking." Kiss.
"Long." Kiss.

  "I've craved you," He groaned as he raised my shirt to my chest. He growled lowly, "No bra? Naughty girl." The way those words rolled off of his tongue sent a shock of pleasure through my body. He smirked at me, "You like that? Being called naughty? Your pupils dilated a ton, baby."

I whined at his mocking and he chuckled, keeping eye contact with me as he bent down and placed my erect nipple in his mouth. I moaned softly, "Oh, God, Gray." He 'hummed in satisfaction and I bit my lip as his teeth grazed over my nipple. He started leaving small love bites all over my breasts and down my belly, towards my panties; they left small bruises in their wake. He pulled away and looked at my body, "You're a goddamn masterpiece, Jasmine. You're so perfect." He gripped his length through his shorts in his hands as he admired my body, stroking himself. I raised my hands to my breasts, softly pinching my nipples to release some friction.

  He pulled his pants and briefs down, his hardened member fully erect. My eyes widened, I never really realized how big he was until now. He gripped the backs of my thighs and kneeled on the bed, draping my legs against his shoulders. Slowly pushing my panties aside, he positioned himself and slowly slid himself in, stretching himself. I gasped at the feeling and he gripped my thighs again, pulling me as close as I could get. I shivered at how deep he was.

  He pulled out and continued going at an average pace. His hands traveled up my body as he continued pumping in and out, he gripped my shirt and threw it off of my body, across the room. We both exchanged moans and I gripped the sheets above my head. He pulled out and slammed himself inside of me just as the door opened and Jordan walked in. Before everyone could adjust to what happened, Grayson pulled me up and to his body, so my naked body would be shielded from his cousin's eyes.

  "Oh, mother fuck, you're fucking, I was just gonna say I shitted and stopped your toilet up!" Jordan squeaked.

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