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Off to the club we go!

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"Just a heads up, we invited Grayson and all of his friends tonight, so if they show up don't be surprised," Kelly said over the music as we knocked our third shot of vodka back. I cringed at the burning sensation and nodded, "So you guys like him?"

  "Yes, and the whole thing with him telling your dad you guys were serious is comical, I love it," Moe laughed as she drug us out to the dance floor and we began dancing. I was already feeling the liquor take control of my judgment and body as the three of us began to freely roll our bodies against each other to the beat of the music. The DJ stopped the music and began to speak in the mic, "I just want to give a shoutout to my cousin Kelly Hernandez! It's her birthday today and in honor of that, we're going to throw it back and play her favorite song Slow Motion by Trey Songz!"

  Everyone began cheering and the three of us squealed as the intro played and Grayson and his friends walked over to us. Us girls smirked at each other as we grabbed our guy of choice and began dancing the dance we came up with years ago. Kelly was dancing on Nick, Monique with Luis and, of course, me with Grayson. We grabbed the collar of their shirts and brought them behind us.

  Grayson's shocked face was hilarious, but I kept my serious face on as we began dancing mediocrely. When the chorus came on is when Kelly and I laughed to each other, knowing we had to grind. We dropped to the ground in a crouching position and slowly started to make our way back up, our hands on our hips, slowly grinding our ass into them. Grayson growled lowly and his hand traveled from my waist to my throat, squeezing gently. My eyes widened and he whispered something to Kelly. She nodded, smiling, and waved bye at me, oh God. Grayson dragged me out to his car and raced us back to my house, my heart pounding from anticipation the whole time.

  He unlocked the door with my key and picked me up, carrying me to the background while I giggled playfully. He placed me on the island in my kitchen, moving my purse out of the way. He unzipped my thigh-high boots and tossed them away, doing the same with my socks. He groaned and took a deep breath, screwing his eyes shut as his palms kneaded the tops of my thighs, "Fuck, Jas, you make me crazy."

  "Obviously, you rushed us home from the club for some reason," I said sarcastically and he groaned lowly, a sound that was so sexy I just wanted to throw myself at him. "I took you home because those moves are dangerous and I don't want to fuck you in a club, darling," He whispered seductively as he bent down and kissed me.

  "Who says I'll fuck you?" I asked and he pulled back, "You've wanted to take me to bed since you showed me your outfit, baby, don't play with me," He said roughly as he fisted my ponytail and my head went backward, allowing him to cover my neck in hot kisses. His free hand traveled up my thigh, pushing my t-shirt dress with it. He caught sight of my baby pink transparent underwear and his breath hitched in his throat, "You're a fucking goddess, Jas."

  His words turn me on like no other as he stands in between my legs. My hands sat on his torso, underneath his shirt. I traced patterns as I moved them to his toned abdomen; his skin was hot. I whined as he cupped my sex with one hand and the other was gripping the back of my neck. His fingers gently caressed outside of my panties and I shivered. He smirked down at me, "Your panties are soaking, love."


  "Shh, no talking," He demanded as he bent down. His face was at the perfect level where my heated core was. Why am I doing this on my kitchen counter? Don't know, don't care. This house won't be mine tomorrow.

  He kissed me outside of my panties and I threw my head back and moaned softly. He nipped at my inner thigh, sucking softly and leaving a trail of hickeys in its place. He gently moved my panties to the side and blew air on my sex, causing me to jump at the coldness. He chuckled before looking up at me as his tongue slowly licked my sensitive nub. He grabbed my ankles and placed my feet on the counter, my legs spread wide for him to do as he pleases. I moaned in pleasure as he continued lapping where I needed the most attention, his eyes never leaving mine. His hand traveled up my inner thigh and he slid a finger inside of me. I gasped and he moaned at my face, this was so intimate and sexy I don't know how much more I could handle.

  I felt a familiar build-up and my eyebrows met in satisfaction as my orgasm burst through me in waves, him never stopping. I cried out, my toes curling, eyes rolling back, and my back arching. He stood up and pulled his pants and briefs down before kissing me slowly, slipping his tongue in my mouth. I tasted myself on his tongue and moaned once he positioned himself at my entrance, slowly shoving himself inside of me. I gripped at his back, his muscles contracting as he placed his hands on my waist, keeping me in place as he continued to pump in and out of me in a torturously slow pace.

  He pulled away from the kiss and moaned as he continued going slow. This felt different, this whole experience. He was taking his time with everything, being more vocal and getting closer to me. He kept watching me, watching my facial expressions as he repeatedly hit my g-spot when he would slide back inside of me. "You taste so sweet, don't you, baby?" He asked as he stuck his fingers in my mouth, the ones he used on me a bit ago. I sucked his fingers and nodded and he groaned in pleasure, "Fuck, Jas, you're so unbelievably sexy. I want to come just by looking at your face right now."

  I felt an unfamiliar bubble hit me as he continued going slow but started slamming inside of me, torturing my g-spot in pleasure. My eyes widened when I felt the overwhelming verge to pee every time he would hit it, "Grayson, stop, I have to pee!"

  He chuckled sexily, but didn't stop, "Baby, that's not pee, I promise." It continued to overwhelm me and I cried out in pleasure when suddenly he shot out of me and laughed, shocked. "Why did you stop?" I asked, my legs shaking and he pointed to the counter and to his shirt, they were both soaked, "You squirted, oh God."

  I felt my face heat up in embarrassment, but before I could apologize he shoved himself back in me and I almost fell backward from how good it felt. "Don't be shy, you felt pleasured, don't ever feel embarrassed by that."

  I nodded and he picked me up by my thighs and took us to my bathroom. He turned the water on while he was still inside of me and kissing me. This man is a God at multi-tasking. He put us under the water, not caring that we still had clothes on. He placed me against the wall and continued to pump in and out of me.

  I raked my nails down his back as I moaned, "Oh, Grayson, fuck!"

  His grunts became low and uneven, as did his pace. I came once again, I felt myself tighten around him and he groaned loudly, "I'm gonna come, Jas, fuck!"

  I hopped off of him and fell to my knees, putting the tip of him in my mouth, doing exactly as he told me to the last time. He took my wet hair down from my ponytail and gripped it, keeping my head steady as he began to fuck my mouth at a feverish pace. He whimpered and stopped as he unloaded in the back of my throat, the sweet and salty taste shooting back. I moaned as I made sure I got it all and he stood me up, kissing me slowly.

  "You're so beautiful," He whispered as he undressed us both, the rest of the way.

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