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Jasmine got shot?! Who, how, and why? What do you think will happen?

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"Somebody help!" I yelled through the house, my voice cracking from all the screaming I did in the woods. My body and clothes were soaked in Jasmine's blood, she was losing so much so fast, I've never been this scared in my life. "Oh my God!" Jas's friend, Monique, screamed when she saw the beautiful girl dangling in my arms.

"Call Jordan, don't call 911!" I yelled at Kelly and her ghost-white face turned horrified, immediately dialing my cousin's number. I flung everything on the island counter off and laid my baby's body on it, grabbing a clean towel and pressing it against her belly. My hands were shaking, my heart was pounding in my chest, my body was covered in warm blood from the girl I was falling in love with. I was falling in love with this gorgeous woman and I'm holding her dying body right now.

I was cut off from my thoughts when Jordan showed up with our personal doctor. Liam, our doctor, looked at me, "I need space, I need privacy. I'll give you updates soon."
I growled and he raised his hand to cut me off, "I respect you and what you do, Mr. Blood, and I understand this is someone special to you, so please return the favor and respect me and my work." I sighed and nodded, rubbing the back of my neck as I exited the room with Jordan. Tears welled up in my eyes once my eyes landed on a picture that she and her dad took. Fuck, her dad. What am I going to do?

Just as I was about to call him, the door burst open and Jasmine's dad came through looking like a madman. My heart fell to my gut and I looked at him, exhausted. He looked at me with tear-filled eyes and all I could see was worry. He walked over to me and I led him out of the room, upstairs for some privacy. "What happened? I just got a call from Kelly saying that Jasmine had been shot?" He asked, his voice shaky.

"I d-don't... she was just t-talkin to m-me..." I cracked out, tears pouring down my face and he wrapped an arm around my neck as I fell to my knees. He hugged me close. A hug full of comfort that I've never experienced from someone before. He rubbed my back as I sobbed into my hands and basically fell apart like a blubbering mess.

I wiped my eyes and stood up with him, trying to regain control of my voice, although I knew that would be impossible. "She found out..." I trailed off and his body visibly tensed. "How? Mr. Blood, I meant to keep her from this, she was never meant to know." He said, keeping his respect for me even though his daughter was... stop, Gray. Fuck, now you're using her nickname for yourself. Stop!

"I tried to distance myself after someone hinted towards it. I tried to ma... make her hate me, William. She just... she got curio-"

"Please don't blame yourself for what happened to my daughter, Mr. Blood, but is she going to make it?"
He croaked out and it seemed like we comforted each other with our presence and memories for hours.

    William Cobain has been my personal dirt digger for years, basically meaning he digs up dirt on people who have crossed me and my business so I can exploit their weaknesses before giving out consequences.

But this is exactly what's been done to me. Someone dug up dirt on me, figured out that Jasmine is my weakness, and handed out the consequence. Although, I don't know what I did. But I'll find out who did this and I'll make sure they suffer before I kill them. I don't ever torture people, I feel like I'm giving people mercy by killing them fast. Torturing people means you have vulnerabilities and that they hurt you. They hurt you so bad that you make them feel half of what they made you feel, so you torture them. I've never been hurt until now. I never allowed myself to be in a situation in which I could get hurt, until her.

Until her, I've never felt the need to look after someone. I've never felt the strong yearn for someone as I have her. I've had meaningless sex multiple times, but until her, I didn't know you could have feelings. That first time we had sex in Don's bathroom, I felt so upset when she put her shirt back on and ran for her life out of that bathroom. Her eyes were filled with guilt that she had just cheated on her boyfriend. But her face held a red handprint from where he slapped her the night before. I remember what I felt when I saw that hand mark on her perfectly milky-white skin. I felt livid.

I remember when I bumped into her for the first time at the club, she was so drunk and so flustered when she saw me that she didn't realize I was completely awed by her beauty. I had never seen someone so stunning in my life that I sat there almost drooling over her.

Then come to find out she broke up with her abusive boyfriend and became my next-door neighbor? That is fate and I didn't believe in fate until that day. That day on, I knew I was obsessed with her. I know it was such a short amount of time, but she was jaw-droppingly beautiful, she was so kind, so empathetic. Her friends were her lifeline and you could tell the feelings were reciprocated. Her friend group was so wholesome, they all love each other so much. Jasmine's face, body, personality, and soul were beautiful.

  Even as she bled out in my arms, she never lost that beauty. She's forgiving. Even as she ran from me in fear of what she thought I was going to do with her, she hesitated. She hesitated because she feels for me as I feel for her. Love.

  I love Jasmine Cobain. And she's dying in our kitchen.

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