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We finally got Grayson's POV, how do we feel about it? A lot of secret information was spilled, it's getting real, ya'll! Thanks for sticking around to this point!

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  It's been a week since my best friend was shot, she still hasn't woken up. The doctor told Grayson that she lost a lot of blood so there's no certain time frame in which she should wake up. It pisses me off. I haven't talked much or done much at all. I've gone to work, did everything I needed to do within three hours to get my mind off of Jazzy, and then went home to bed. Monique and I haven't even really talked much which goes to prove that Jasmine is the soul of all of our friendships. Without Jasmine, we're all strangers.

  Grayson hasn't eaten, he doesn't talk to anyone. He's been on the phone a lot trying to figure out who's responsible for Jasmine getting hurt. I am honestly scared for whoever did it, Grayson isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty for those he loves and he loves Jasmine, whether he wants to admit it or not. I admire his feelings he has for her, he'd kill for her. Just as I would kill for her.

  I'm on my way home from work, I pull into the driveway and only Grayson's car was parked there. My eyebrows connected in confusion, he's never here this early. I quickly slip out of the car and into the house, when I heard crashing and screaming. I through my purse down and raced upstairs towards the noise, which happened to be coming from Jasmine's room. The door was open and Jazzy was still hooked up to her machines in her room, laying on her bed. Her heart monitor was still good, everything was good, except Grayson. He was throwing things at the wall and screaming Bloody Mary.

  "Why won't you fucking wake up?!" He screamed as he shattered a picture frame of her and my cat, CC.

  "I fucking love you, you can't leave me alone goddamnit!" He screamed, his voice cracking as he punched the glass door with all of his might. It cracked but didn't shatter. The cracked glass had blood on it from his fist being busted up.

  "Fuck! Jasmine, please!" He screamed as he punched the glass again, this time it shattered to pieces and I ran in, "Grayson! Please!"

  He turned around, his face was red and angry, his eyes were swollen from crying so much, his nose was pink from sniffling. His beard was messy from not shaving and taking care of himself. His eyes held fear and anger, his hair crazily tousled and his eyes held dark bags underneath them. His hands were busted up and probably broken, "What?! She doesn't care, she won't even fucking wake up!"

  "Grayson, she'll wake up when her body is ready. It suffered a tremendous loss of blood, it's in shock! She wouldn't want you like this! You need to be better, you have to be better!" I cried out, scared for Jasmine's love. "I can't," He cried out and fell to his knees, sobbing as he looked at her. I got my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Jordan and his friends.

  I got down to his level and hugged him close to me, "Please, please be better. For her. She would be so mad at you if she saw her room right now." He chuckled and sniffled, "I'm hoping she can hear me and will be mad enough to wake up. I can't take this anymore. I can't find out who did this, it's like every trace of them vanished. No one seen anyone following us, it's like they are a ghost." I nodded my head in understanding as I stood up, "You'll figure it out, I promise. Jazzy will get her justice."

  "Nothing I can do to this person will justify what they did to her..." He trailed off and I wholeheartedly agree with what he said.


  "Hey..." I heard a knock on my doorframe and I looked up from the book I was deeply divulged into. Nick was leaning against my doorframe with his arms crossed, looking cautious. I marked where I was in my book and sat it down beside me on my bed. I smiled softly, "Is everything okay?" He shook his head, "Still the same. Can I come in?"

I nodded and he walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed beside me, "I got you something." I cocked an eyebrow as he reached in his pocket. He pulled out a rainbow bookmark that was covered in subtle sparkles. It was so pretty.

  "You've been reading a lot to get your mind off of everything and I noticed yours was... kind of worn out so, I don't know... I guess I-"

  "Nick, I love it. Thank you," I said to calm his nerves and he handed it to me. I opened my book and took the old bookmark out, replacing it with the beautiful one that was just gifted to me. "Okay, well I'm going to Don's with Monique to cheer her up a little bit, but can you talk to her tonight? She misses you, Kells." He said sadly and I nodded, "Tell her to bring Ben and Jerry's."

  He smiled and nodded, kissing my cheek before leaving the room. I sighed and got up, walking over to Jasmine's room where Grayson was sitting in a chair next to her bed, holding her hand and snoring lightly. God bless him, he's so tired. He never leaves her side. He does all of his work from home. I walked over to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to Jazzy. I moved her hair behind her ear, her skin was cold to the touch, but her heart rate was still good.

  I smiled softly at how their hands were entwined perfectly. I kissed her cheek and whispered, "Please wake up bebé, we miss you."

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