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Jasmine got fucked up, huh? We stan that respectful bartender, tho!

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Moe's Outfit

 Please comment and vote, happy reading, lovelies!💛Moe's Outfit

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Jas's Outfit


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  "She's clinging to me like a pterodactyl and when I tried to pry her off, she dug her nails in me; she thinks I'm a pillow," I heard Jordy explain, but I kept my eyes shut. "How long has she been out?" I heard Grayson ask behind me. I realized I was still hugging close to Jordy's body, I fell asleep.

  "About three hours. I gotta pissssssss, bro," I heard Jordy whine and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from giggling. "Let me try to wake her up," Gray said and it took everything in me not to protest, I'm supposed to be asleep. "Jas? Hey, baby, wake up. I want to talk to you," I heard Grayson whisper in my ear. I pretended to stir awake and my eyes fluttered open, purposefully acting tired. I should be a damn actress. I frowned when I seen his face, "Go away." He frowned at my words and huffed, "You have to get off of Jordan, he's got to pee and you've burdened him enough-"

  "Hey, don't be an ass, she's not burdening me," Jordan said with a scowl. I shook my head, "No, he's right. I'm sorry." I slipped off of Jordy's lap and stumbled once I landed to my two feet. Both Gray and Jordy came to my rescue on opposite sides of me. The two had a stare off and I swear I could literally feel the toxic masculinity tension build around me. "Uh..." I trailed off and walked away from both of them. I walked to my room and knocked on it, I forgot my keycard.

  After a few moments of her shuffling inside the room, she opened the door and smiled at me, "Damn, that one second took you long enough. Lunch just arrived, hungry?" I smiled softly and nodded, explaining what happened. "Do you think Grayson might've been jealous of Jordan... maybe that's why he acted like that?" Monique suggested and I shook my head, "Grayson doesn't get jealous, especially not of his cousin."

  She shrugged, "True. Oh, God! They brought cinnamon buns as desert!" My eyes widened when I caught vision with them and grabbed them. They were still warm! I started pulling it apart as she bit right into it as it was. "Blasphemy! That's what that is!" I shouted and her eyebrows connected in confusion.

  "You have to pull it apart and eat it, my god! Were you raised in a barn?" I asked with fake shock and she rolled her eyes playfully, eating as I instructed her to do so. "Nope, but I was raised in the ghetto." We both laughed as we continued eating our dessert and lunch. After a while of lounging around with my best friend, I stepped into the shower.

  I started shaving and once I finished, I started washing my hair. I let the hot water cascade down my back, relaxing my muscles. After washing and rinsing everything, I turned the water off. I wrung my hair out and looked for the towel over the door, but it wasn't there. Confused, I opened the door and Grayson was standing there, holding my towel open for me to walk into. I sighed and walked into it. He wrapped it around me and I tucked it so it wouldn't fall off of me.

  "Will you stop being mad at me?" He asked whilst rolling his eyes and I reciprocated it, brushing my wet hair, "You were planning on lying to me... so no."

  "I wasn't lying, just withholding irrelevant information."

I snorted,  "If I slap you with my left hand even though I'm right-handed, do you still get slapped? And- irrelevant?" I scoffed as I opened the bathroom door and walked to my suitcase, grabbing clothes as Monique lied on the bed, ignoring us as she watched Spongebob re-runs.

  "Irrelevant." He confirmed and I stopped, turning on my heel to face him. "You're saying that the fact that Kelly was going to murder me, Moe, Nick, Jordy, and you... that's irrelevant? No- you're irrelevant, get the hell out of our room!" I snapped and his eyes went dark with anger, and he pointed a finger at me, "I pay for this room, I stay as long as I want." I heard quick shuffling behind me and soon, Monique was standing next to me, "If she says leave, leave. I don't give a fuck if your big fat paycheck is paying; Out!"

  Gray narrowed his eyes at her and I looked at him with an un-amused face, "We're serious. Get out."  He chuckled dryly and before he opened the door, he looked at me, "I'm going to a meeting tonight. Don't come looking for me until you've stopped acting bitchy." I flipped him off and he left, purposefully slamming the door closed.

  I rolled my eyes as Moe clicked her tongue, "He's an asshole today." I nodded in agreement as I grabbed pajamas out and she shook her head, "No! We're going to the rooftop bar tonight with Nick and Jordan if they want to come. Fuck staying in and wallowing in your thoughts. Plus, I might meet a sexy ass Barcelona bitch here."

"Since when are you gay?" I asked, amusement dancing my vision and she shrugged, "Luis's dick, rest in hell, didn't do enough for me and I've always thought chicks were hotter. I thought I'd try it." I nodded, "I'll stay in Grayson's room if you bring a girl home."

  "You sure?" She asked as she handed me some clothes from her suitcase and I nodded, "If one of us has a good night, it'd be worth it. Plus, you deserve someone good enough for you."

  She grinned and motioned for me to change. I dropped the towel as she turned around and started dressing herself. I decided not to wear a bra, I might have big breasts but it's difficult to continue wearing bras with cute, short tops. I slipped on black, lacey underwear. I slid on the spaghetti strap, white crop top. I pulled on a form-fitting grey skirt that was dangerously high. I pulled on a matching grey knitted sweater and some open-toed white heels. Once I finished, I looked at her and she did the same to me.

  "Damn, you look hot!" She exclaimed and I laughed. She was wearing a sweetheart neckline, off-the-shoulder, long-sleeved black shirt that she tucked into burnt orange colored khakis. She had on black, open-toed shoes and she was seriously rocking that outfit.

  "My makeup is already done, you do yours and your hair while I go ask if Jordy and Nick want to come tonight."

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