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Are we ready for training? I sure hope so...

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  I blocked with my right hand, he's trying to throw me off. Just as I suspected, he threw the punch in the direction I predicted. He smirked smugly at me and nodded his approval.

"Left, right!"

  I blocked with my left arm and then when he threw the punch I ducked. He was going to punch in the middle all along. He nodded in satisfaction once again. Beads of sweat lined my forehead, my nose, basically my whole face. I smelled disgusting. I yearn for water more than I ever had before. He pointed to a bottle of water on the bench and I sighed in relief. That was short-handed suddenly, due to him tripping me and pinning me down with his forearm to my throat.

"I told you to never let your guard down, are you not fucking listening?!" Nick yelled at me and I growled lowly. He may be my best friend's brother and my trainer, but no way in hell was he going to talk to me that way. 

  I tried to push him up but due to the hours of training I've endured since my arrival at Ezekiel's home, my arms are weak and drained. Every muscle in my body is screaming at me; I need to rest. I groaned once my arms started shaking, my muscles visibly giving out. He chuckled and let me up, helping me with his free hand.

  "You're smart in combat, that's a good ability to have. Don't let it go to your head or you'll surely die," he said nonchalantly and I nodded, walking towards my water. I unscrewed the cap and chugged it. The feeling of the cool water sliding down my throat, instantly helping me feel better.

  "No offense, but I didn't think you would be my trainer" He chuckled, "I won't take offense so long as you don't take offense by me not actually thinking you'd be fast at learning." I smiled, I do learn fast. Not only has Nick told me that, but so has dad.

  "Monique is training with Jordan's boyfriend, she should be done soon."

  I nodded, "I need a freaking shower, I'm gross." He eyed me and nodded once he realized how sweaty I am, "Have you been shown your room yet? Or are you and Grayson sharing one?"

  Am I supposed to share a room with Grayson or just be by myself? I don't know where Grayson's head is at last night. I'm still in denial that he'd forgive me that easily, or Jordy for that matter. Sure, I was drunk, emotional, and going off of false pretenses, but that doesn't excuse the fact of what I did. I feel completely crappy for what I did. I betrayed him, my love for him, his love for me. I hope he seriously has forgiven me because God knows I'll never forgive myself.

  Nick senses that I'm lost in my thoughts, "Hey, don't overthink it, Jazzy. I'll show you to a bathroom upstairs and talk to Grayson." I nodded and he motioned for me to follow him. I threw the empty water bottle in the trash can on the way out, following him upstairs. After passing a couple of doors, he opens one for me, showing a beautiful bathroom.

  "Dinner will be ready soon!" I heard Monique scream from downstairs and I stifled a laugh as Nick rolled his eyes, "Come to the dining room when you're done. I'll talk to G, and don't dress fancy. We all need to sleep afterward. You girls have a big day of training tomorrow."

  I nodded as he left and Monique was coming upstairs with clothes in her hand. She grinned at me, she was as sweaty as I was. "Training kick your ass too?" She asked and I chuckled, "Your brother is faster and stronger than I though-" She cut me off my plugging ears, "That sounds so wrong!"

I rolled my eyes at her immaturity, "Hush, child." She laughed and playfully bumped my shoulder, "Jordy showed me where our suitcases were so I grabbed you some clothes. I'm gonna go shower now."

  I nodded and thanked her, quickly showering. I dressed in the black sweatpants of Gray's that I suspected Grayson threw in my suitcase sneakily. They hung off of me so badly that I had to tie them tight to my waist. I decided to ditch a bra, I don't like to sleep with one on anyways. I slipped on a dark grey Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt, laughing at the fact I bought this many years ago.

  I slipped on my bright green fuzzy socks and jogged downstairs. I followed everyone's voices into the spacious dining room and was instantly hit with the smell of pizza. This wasn't just pizza, though. No, Ezekiel's personal chef made this from scratch. I internally started drooling at the smell alone. I took the empty seat in between Nick and Monique, seeing as Grayson wasn't at the table.

  "Where's Gray?" Monique asked me and I shook my head before telling her I didn't know. Nick leaned over, "Ezekiel told him to take care of some business, I don't know what though. He'll be back later."

I nodded and everyone, including myself, started filling their plates with slices of the pizza. I, of course, only filled my plate with the pepperoni and Italian sausage pizzas. I bit into it and moaned quietly at the same time as Jordy spoke up, "This is fucking amazing, Emmanuel, you're talented." The chef nodded in approval with a grin plastered onto his face.

  "Thank you!" I said as polished off my first slice.

  "My pleasure, Ms. Cobain," He said, his Spanish accent thick, before disappearing back into the kitchen. After a while, everyone began to slow down as the pizza filled everyone's bellies. I took a drink of my water just as Ezekiel stood from the table and cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention.

  "I'd like to thank everyone for coming today, as you all know, being here means you're in it for life... that being said, training starts at eight o'clock sharp in the morning. Security detail will be arriving tomorrow at the same time and will surround the house, ensuring no one is to make a surprise visit," he informed and we all nodded in agreement.

  After a while of helping Ezekiel's maids clean the table, Nick walked into the room with a smile, "Grayson is still going to be gone for a while, but he told me he'd like to share a room with you if that's okay. I can show you, but Moe already put your things in there."

  I felt my heart flutter at the news that Gray wants to share a room with me. I nodded and he leads me up the stairs, to the furthest room down. "Goodnight, Jazzy," Nick said before leaving me be. It's late, I should get sleep.

  I walked towards the silky comforted bed and climbed in, passing out fast on the cold pillows.


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