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Kelly's POV, Grayson's POV, who's next? How are we feeling about everyone's reactions and experiences?

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  Two weeks have passed since Jazzy was shot and it feels like years; she has yet to wake up. Everyone is dragging, Kelly and I have recoiled our friendship, we're helping each other get through it. I feel so bad for Grayson. He's going through it alone. He won't let anyone help him. Everyone, including myself, has tried to console him numerous times, but he's like a ticking bomb. It's only a matter of time before he blows up.

  He never leaves Jasmine's side. He talks to her, tells her things that happen with work from home. He's always sure to tell her that everyone loves her and is rooting for her. She has the best support system a girl could ask for. I'm so grateful that she has all of these people. In the short time that Jordan and Luis have known her, they still feel the saddened emotions of her not being awake and stable. Although Kelly and I have known her the longest, Grayson is taking everything much harder than we could all fathom. I hope, for Grayson's sake more than hers, Jazzy wakes up soon. He's slowly dying inside and there's nothing we can do to help him.

  I'm currently watching Jazzy's favorite movie, it's my day off from work. A knock sounded at the front door so I got up and opened it, revealing Jordan and Jazzy's dad, Will. "Come in," I said softly and stepped aside. They walked in and Will kissed me on the cheek as a greeting, "Any change?"

  "Liam said that her organs are regaining function, but she's still in a coma," I said and he nodded, "At least there is some good news for today." Jordan wrapped an arm around me and led us to the couch as Will descended up the stairs to visit Jasmine and Grayson. We plopped down on the couch and Jordan lifted his feet on the ottoman, "Luis is coming by tonight, he told me to tell you to be ready around seven, he's taking you somewhere." I felt my heart warm and I smiled whilst nodding. We played the movie and just as the credits started rolling, Jordan spoke, "Jazzy has good taste in movies."

  I chuckled, "Yes, she does." He sighed, "I don't know her like you do, I can't imagine how you're feeling." I shrugged softly, "It sucks and we miss her a shit ton, but all we can do is be patient. It's the least we can do, compared to what she's done for us in our lives." He nodded in agreement, "I love you guys' friendship. It's admirable, really."

  "We're just waiting for her to wake up and ask for a Don's burger and a shower," I giggled and he laughed, "That sounds like her. I'm glad her body is starting to regain function, hopefully, that means she'll wake soon." Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, Kelly ran through the door with wide eyes. I looked at her confusedly as she caught her breath, "Guess who just stopped by work!"

  "Nick?" I asked and she shook her head, "Josh!" Now I'm really confused. Why would Jasmine's ex-boyfriend be stopping by to see Kelly? I thought he was long gone. Jordan stood up with a serious look on his face, "Why?" Kelly shook her head, "He told me to tell him where Jazzy was. He said he knew she was hurt and he still loves her and won't stop until he sees her."

  "No," Jordan said and started speed walking away, up the stairs. Kelly and I exchanged weird looks as we followed him, hot on his trail. We entered the room where Grayson and William were having a hushed conversation, shutting up once they eyed Jordan's angered look. "Kelly, tell G," Jordan said and she nodded slowly, shooting me a cautious look as Grayson stood confused and exhausted.

  "Jazzy's ex-boyfriend, Josh, stopped by my job today. He demanded to see her, he said he knew she got shot and he won't stop until he sees her." Grayson growled lowly and looked at William, "Who are Josh's associates? I mean close friends and family." Why would he be asking a William? "He's close to his cousin, Jeremy Dalton, his dad, Charles Dalton, his grandparents on his mom's side, Greer and Henry Manning. His best friends are Nathaniel Bogart and-" William was cut off by Grayson's eyes widening and he spoke, "Bogart? Who are Nathaniel's parents?"

  "Janis and John Bogart, Nathaniel was adopted at a young age," Will confirmed and Grayson sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose out of irritation, "Find out who his birth parents are." William nodded in submission, what the fuck? Will looked at our confused faces, "I've worked for Mr. Blood for a while now, I give him information. I'll be back soon."

   After an hour of waiting around Jasmine, William came walking in the room and Grayson stood up with a serious expression plastered on his face. "Nathaniel's birth parents are Camila and Santiago Mendez-"

  Grayson didn't even let Jazzy's dad finish, he took off out of the room on a mission. Just as he flung the front door open, Luis was standing there with a confused expression. Grayson towered over him and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up and slamming him against the wall. Everyone's eyes widened, including my own.

  "Grayson!" I shouted and he didn't even budge, he just kept choking Luis. Grayson growled and hit Luis in the face with his free arm, "Tell me what the fuck you've been up to! Tell me why the fuck you've been following Jasmine and why you told your dad to put a hit out on her because of me!"

  Luis's face started turning purple and Grayson let him fall to the ground. After he regained his breath he looked up at Grayson with a murderous look, "You killed my fucking sister."




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