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Spiced up once again, eh? What'd you think of that last chap?

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"Wake up, Jas," I heard a deep voice whisper in my ear. My eyes fluttered open and I was faced with Grayson, shirtless and smiling at me. I blinked a couple of times and I regained recollection of last night's adventures. We were still naked but in bed and cuddling. I smiled softly at him and groaned whilst stretching my legs. I looked over at my clock and it read eight-thirty. My eyes widened, I'm late for work! I gasped and shot out of bed, trying to find clothes.

"There's no work today, Jasmine. It's Veterans Day," He stated and I remembered that it was. I sighed in relief and he stood up out of bed, "I have no clothes."

"That's what you get for being impatient and putting us in the shower before we got our clothes off," I teased and he flipped me the bird. I giggled and threw him a pair of my fleece pants, "They won't fit but at least you'll make it to your house with clothes." He chuckled, "I'm going to go get changed. I'll be back in ten minutes, I'm taking you on a date."

"This early?" I asked and he nodded, "Breakfast dates are underrated. Pancakes?" I grinned and nodded, he's so romantic. I slipped a black bra and black panties on as he put my pants on. I laughed at how they fit him, they stopped at the middle of his calves and looked like they were about to burst off from his skin. He rolled his eyes playfully and walked over to me, kissing me softly, "I'll be back, lady, in the meantime, try not to get horny."

I rolled my eyes, "What are you talking abou-"

Just as I almost finished my sentence, one hand came up to my throat and he slipped a finger in my underwear, circling my sensitive nub, I gasped and whimpered as he picked up his pace. He removed his hands and I whined at the loss of contact, but he guided me to the bathroom and kicked my legs apart, forcing me to look myself in the mirror. My back was against his body and he put his hands in the same position. He bent down further, his lips by my ear, "See how sexy you are?"

I whimpered in pleasure when he finished me off and winked, leaving me to my own thoughts. I sighed and cleaned myself up, finishing dressing myself. I threw on a plain white t-shirt and light blue jeans that had sporadic holes. I put on mascara and brushed through my hair, brushing my teeth as well. I put on deodorant and perfume before Grayson appeared leaning against my doorframe. He was watching me as I put on a bit of lipgloss, his crooked grin making me happy.

"What?" I asked as he continued to stare and he shook his head, "Nothing, are you ready?"

I nodded and we made our way to a breakfast restaurant. When we walked in, a man who looked to be in his fifties walked up to us in a work uniform with a smile on his face, "Good morning guys. My name is Thomas and I'll be your server today, would you like a table or booth?"

"Booth, please," I interjected before Grayson could. He likes to take control of things, it's my turn. He playfully rolled his eyes while grinning at me as we walked to a booth. Thomas handed us menus and took out a little notepad and pen, "What will we be having to drink today?"

"Coffee, please," I said and Grayson nodded, "Same for me." Thomas nodded, "I'll be right back with those."

"He's nice," I noted and he nodded, "He's been working here for thirty years, I always ask for him as a waiter." I smiled to myself as I flipped through the menu and settled on two chocolate chip pancakes.

"Favorite color?" Gray asked and my eyebrows furrowed, "What?" He chuckled, "I took you out so I can get to know you better, darling." I felt my heart swell and I smiled, "Yellow, what about you?" He thought for a moment, "Pink, why yellow?" He likes the color pink? That's a first.

"Because yellow is such a happy color, it instantly brightens my mood, why pink?" I continued and he winked before saying, "Because it's the perfect shade of your puss-" I reached across and slapped a hand over his mouth with wide eyes, "Gray!" He laughed and Thomas came back with two mugs of coffee, "What are we eating today?"

"I want three chocolate chip pancakes." He said and I nodded, "I'll have two." Thomas wrote it down and smiled before leaving us alone again.

"Family?" He asked and I smiled softly. The dreaded family conversation. I inhaled sharply before continuing, "Well, you've met my dad. He's like my favorite person. I'm an only child, no grandparents. My mom... she died of Leukemia my junior year..."

He smiled sadly at me before taking my hands in his, "I lost both of my parents in a car crash five years ago, so I know how you feel. I'm sorry, Jas, no one should have to go through the pain of losing a parent."

  "I'm sorry for your loss, too. They'd be proud of you," I said with a smile and he nodded, "Your mom would be proud of you too, beautiful."

  "Okay, favorite movie?" I asked and he thought for a moment, "I honestly don't have one, I like pretty much anything, what about you?"

"I love Second Hand Lions, I have since I was a young girl," I said and he nodded, "I haven't seen that one, want to watch it tonight after we move our stuff in the new house?"

  I nodded, "Make it a friend's night? Invite your buddies over?" And he smiled, "Sounds good, I'll get the beer."

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