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We Stan Jordy in this house, do we stan Grayson still? Hopefully, things get recoiled soon!

Please comment and vote happy readings lovelies! 💛


Work drug by, I avoided Grayson at all costs, not that he was paying attention to me anyway. It hurt to think he would ignore me, but if he wants to be alone then I'll let him. The house is big enough to ignore anybody I wanted, but the fact we share a bathroom is very annoying when you're trying to avoid someone. Especially when that someone hates you and only used you for what he wanted. Although I guess I wanted the sex, too, it still hurt considering I caught feelings for him.

  As I reached home, I stayed in my car for a moment, looking up at the beautiful home. I sighed, my heart-tugging and turned the ignition over, putting my keys into my purse. Kelly and Monique should be here within the next hour. As I climbed out of the car and shut the door behind me, a car I hadn't seen before pulled up next to me. The passenger window rolled down and revealed Jordan. He smiled at me, "Hungry?" As if on cue, my stomach rumbled so I got in the car. I buckled up and he rolled the window back up. The car smelled of his cologne and leather seats, it was a nice combination. Jordan also wasn't hard on the eyes, he was attractive, much like Grayson. Grayson takes the cake, though. He's literally the perfect specimen-

  Stop it, Jasmine. Get over Grayson.

  "Don's?" He asked and I nodded, I could use one of Don's burgers right about now. He put the radio on softly and we rode in a comfortable silence. Once we got there, he hurried up to open my side of the door, I climbed out and thanked him. He opened the door for me and I walked inside, immediately earning a smile from Don, "Hello again, Jasmine!"

  "Hi, Don! Staying busy?" I asked and he nodded as Jordan pointed to the table of Luis, Nick, Kelly, and Monique. My eyebrows furrowed but I shook off the confusion and walked towards the table, taking the seat next to Nick. Jordan sat in front of me and I spoke up, "What's going on?"

  "Anti-Grayson intervention, basically," Jordan chuckled and I felt my heart tug at the mention of his name, but I didn't show my emotions outwardly. "Uhm... why?" I asked and Nick groaned, "Because he's a dick and you girls need to know the truth if you're going to hang out with us, let alone him."

  "Nick, you're my brother, fuck you talking about?" Moe asked with a pinch of rudeness to her tone and Nick rolled his eyes. "You're so damn rude, no wonder you're single," Nick said and Luis growled lowly at him, "Not for long, douche." Monique bit lip to keep from laughing and I chuckled.

  "The three of us work for Grayson," Luis explained quietly as Jordan looked around to make sure no one was listening. Now I'm freaking confused, no they don't. Grayson's business just merged with ours so I would be aware of his employees and I was certain those three don't work for him.  "No you don't, our businesses just merged, I would be informed," I said with a confused look and Kelly nodded in agreement, "Yeah, so what are you saying?"

  "We go on... like missions I guess you could say, for Grayson. They don't happen all the time, but that's why Grayson is rich. He's like the second boss, he answers to someone else, but we do most of the work. When we're done, he finishes it," Jordan tried to explain, but the three of us were still confused. "Huh?" Moe voiced our thoughts out loud and Luis spoke, very quietly, "We're in the mafia, girly."

  I took a second to digest what he just said and bursted out in laughter, "Okay, now that the comedy is over, why are we really here?" Nick looked stunned for a second, "We just... told you?" Kelly rolled her eyes, "Can you jerks be serious for like two seconds? Jesus Christ." Luis shook his head and whispered, "No, seriously, think about it. Jasmine, why do you think Grayson was carrying a gun on him already when you walked into his house? Why do you think he was so quick to shoot Josh and not give a damn about it? Why do you think we were so quick to not ask questions but do his dirty work?" I let it all sink in, but I still didn't believe it. Kelly was white in the face and Monique was sitting quiet, indicating they were both believing the lies spewing out of the guys' mouths. "What kind of business do you guys do?" Monique asked and Jordan inhaled sharply, "Illegal shipments of drugs and weapons. If people don't pay or they interfere, we go rough them up and Grayson finishes the jobs if they still refuse to pay."

  Kelly gasped and whispered, "M-murder?" When Jordan looked around to see if anyone was listening, then realized no one was, he nodded. I felt my heart drop and I stood up quickly, grabbing my things. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and ordered an Uber a couple of blocks away. Jordan scrambled out of his seat to run towards me, I was already running out of the building once I heard him yell, "Jasmine! Please don't go, hear us out!"

  "Fuck off, Jordan, I'm leaving!" I yelled back and heard him running after me, but I ran track in high-school. I took my shoes off and ditched them, untucking my shirt and running, fast.

  I finally ditched Jordan and came to the spot where my Uber was waiting. My chest rising and falling, quickly, I told the Uber my address and paid him. Once I arrived at the empty house, I ran inside and locked it behind me. I ran upstairs and put my hair up in a bun, wiping the sweat from my brow as I busted in Grayson's room and began to tear things apart. Trying to find something, anything, to indicate they were telling the truth. I found nothing, the men were lying. I sat on the edge of his bed and blew out a relieved breath. But just as I calmed down, I looked up and noticed one of his paintings was crooked.

  My eyebrows furrowed as I walked over to it and took it off the wall. My heart started racing when I was faced with a hole in the wall. I stuck my hand in there and pulled out a huge, metal box.

  I opened it with shaky hands and my heart dropped once I eyed a gun and hundreds of bags filled with white powder. I let out a sound that was a mix between a groan and a cry. Just as my hands started trembling in fear of the thought of me falling in love with a murderer, a creak sounded at the doorway and a familiar, raspy voice ricocheted off of the walls.

  "Find what you're looking for?"

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