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Are we ready for this chapter!? I'm not, please vote and comment, happy reading, fuckers! <3



  I woke up to gunshots and my eyebrows furrowed, what the fuck? I passed out sometime after crying so much. I feel empty and dead, I wish I was dead. I can't live without Jasmine and I don't know how to, I don't want to. My eyes burn because I physically need to cry, but I can't.

 The gunshots drew louder and that's when I realized that Jasmine's body was nowhere in sight. That makes me very angry and happy at the same time. Angry because I want to know where she is, she deserves the best even afterlife. Happy because seeing her body makes me want to puke and wreak havoc in the world. I want revenge. I want to gauge Javier's eyes out. I want to cut his cock off and shove it in his mouth. I want to break his jaw so badly that it hangs from only skin. I want to carve my name in his skin so many times that I can see his spleen. I want to rip his toenails off and glue them to his eyelids like eyelashes. I want to rip his teeth out and grind them up, only to sprinkle on said spleen like salt.

  I growled as the door burst open. I guess I was expecting to see Javier or one of his men, but when my eyes zeroed in on Monique and Nick, holding Javier's dead body, I almost leaped in joy. "We have Jasmine, let's go!" Monique yelled as Nick pointed his gun, shooting my shackles off. I frowned, "Jazzy... she's dead..." Monique shook her head with tears pouring from her face, "She was still breathing! Liam took her!"

 My heart leaped in my chest and I began to feel hopeful at her best friend's words. Is my Jazzy really alive? I fucking hope so because if she's not, I'll self-destruct. I stood up and limped my way with Nick and Monique. After what seemed like hours of limping to safety, we made our way out of the tunnel and into a tinted-out car of my uncle's.

 I hurled myself into the car quickly, all of uncle Ezekiel's men walking out covered in their enemy's blood. I sighed in relief, it's been a long time coming. Jordan glanced at me with a goofy grin and gave me a fist bump, "About time you came home, eh?" I laughed at his attempt at humor, "You can say that again. That place was horrible." Monique sniffled and I looked towards her, "Are you okay, Moe?"

 She nodded softly, "I'm an emotional wreck right now, sorry. I just never thought I'd see you guys again." I grinned and nodded, despite the pain I'm feeling right now. "Thank you guys, for finding us. I don't know how we'll ever repay you."

 Nick laughed, "Just try not to get grown-man napped next time, sound good?" I chuckled and nodded, leaning my head against the cool window to get some relief for my pounding head.

   I woke up sometime later with harsh sun rays beating on my face. I groaned and sat up, realizing Liam was pushing fluids in my IV. He glanced at me and smiled, "It's been three days. You have someone that wants to say hi." My eyebrows furrowed and I sat up, a little soreness piercing my body but not too bad. I nodded as he led me out of bed and into a room in my uncle's house.

  I spotted Jas eating a cup of fruit as she stared at the TV, giggling at something the cartoon said or did. A bright smile made its way to my face and I felt a tear of mine hit my cheek. As it rolled down, I watched as my girl's head turned towards me and she looked. She looked back towards the television, only to whip her head right back to me in a double-take. Her jaw dropped and tears whelped up in her eyes, a grin gracing her lips as she cried.

 "Gray..." she whispered, not trusting her voice. I laughed as my own tears came out, rushing over to her side and hugging her tight. She winced in pain and I immediately let go. This is too much like deja-vu. It's happened before.

 "Sorry, my wound is still healing... and I have to tell you something," she said nervously. I breathing quickened, is her foot okay? Did she lose it? I can't tell since her bottom half is being covered by blankets.

 "I-" she started but the door burst open, revealing Jordan and Monique. Jordan tackled me with a bear hug and Monique did the same as Jordan spoke, "Jazzy was the one on the brink of death yet you take the longest to recuperate? I knew you always feened for the dramatics!" I laughed and nudged him playfully as we all sat around Jas's bed. I leaned over and kissed her, silently telling her that we would talk about it later. She blushed as she looked down, looking worried and nervous. That makes me scared.

 "Jazzy, did you do it?" Moe asked and Jordy looked confused, "Do what?"

 "Moe, I-" Jas started but Monique interrupted her as she replied back to Jordy, "Tell him about the baby, dumbshit!"  Baby?

 I looked at Jasmine and her big, hazel eyes were glaring at her best friend. Monique gave her an apologetic look as she grabbed my cousin and the dashed out of the room, like puppies with their tails tucked in between their legs. Wait... is Jasmine-

 "I'm pregnant, Gray," she confirmed my internal questions and my heart started pounding inside of my ribcage, daring to jump from the cage it was entrapped in.

 "Wha-... how?" I asked, my head spinning and she looked up at me through her thick lashes, causing blood rush to my dick despite the very serious conversation we're having right now.

  She looks terrified of my reaction and the thought of her scared of me makes me want to punch myself in the fucking face. She's the absolute love of my life, my soon to be wife and apparently soon to be mother of my children. I'm okay with this. I'm more than okay with this. What we just went through proves that life is short and if anything, I want to spend this short ass life that I was granted with her. With my girl.

 "We didn't... use protection those last few times before we were taken. And when I stabbed myself I missed the baby," she said shyly, fiddling with her hands. I laughed in excitement, my tears coming back as I caught her by surprise and kissed her passionately.

 "You're... you're okay with this?" She asked, astounded. I nodded and took her hands in mine, "Baby, I told you that we were endgame."

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