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  Grayson marked his territory, Jasmine. How do we feel about it?

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"You guys ready? I checked us out already," We heard Nick call from the door and I sighed. "Be there in a minute!" Grayson shouted as he started getting dressed. He loved over at me and smiled, "I'll go get you some clothes, stay right here." I nodded and he disappeared to Monique's room. A few moments later, he came back with folded clothes. "I didn't know what you'd want so I had Monique pick them if that's alright? I'm sure my fashion taste is rather gross, but then again you'd look fantastic in anything you wear." He said with a goofy grin and I giggled, "Thank you, Gray."

I got up and started buckling my white lace bra and quickly slipped into my matching panties. When he turned around and noticed me, his eyes nearly bulged from his skull, "Damn, your beauty never ceases to amaze me." I blushed and slipped on my button-down grey and black flannel. It was oversized, so when I pulled on my high-waisted white shorts, I tucked it into them. The shorts had a black belt with a little gold buckle, complimenting everything fairly well. I put on some ankle socks and zipped my combat boots on my feet. When I looked over, Grayson was finishing lacing his boots up. "You ready?" He asked without looking at me and I hummed in agreement.

He grabbed his wallet off of the nightstand and slid it into his pocket. When he turned to look at me, he grinned. "See? I told you that you make anything look good." I did a dramatic 360 turn and he laughed whilst shaking his head at my childishness. He walked over to the door and opened it, letting me walk through first. Did Monique and the others leave already? I'm not ready to face Jordan...

"Everyone is waiting for us in the lobby," Gray answered my thoughts and I nodded, my heart hammering in my chest. He sensed this and slid his hand in mine, his fingers giving my hand a small squeeze of reassurance. After we made it to the lobby, I spotted Monique and walked over to her. She eyed me curiously before whispering, "Have you seen Jordy's face? It's a little... busted up."

My eyebrows connected when she nodded her head in front of us. My eyes trailed her nod before they stopped on her brother talking to Jordy. My eyes nearly fell out of my face, his face is completely busted up. He was laughing with Nick and grinned at Grayson as he told him to join their conversation. Oh my God... last night after I passed out. Grayson did this!

"I... almost slept with Jordy last night," I whispered to Monique and now it was her time to be shocked. Her mouth fell open as she searched my face for any kind of teasing, but unfortunately, there was none. "How? Why? What?" Her questions rambled, hushed. I sighed as I looked at them, they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice us.

"Last night I went to go grab Grayson but I thought he was sleeping with another woman. So in turn, I got shit-faced with Jordy and went to his room with him. We kissed a lot, got half-naked and he yanno... went down on me..." I whispered and her mouth dropped wider, "Grayson cheated?"

"I thought he did. But when I pushed Jordy off of me and ran away to my room, I started to have like... a breathing attack. Grayson showered me and I cried asking why he'd sleep with that woman. So he brought up cameras and it turned out to be Jordy's dad..."

"So... you drunkenly made out with Jordy because you thought Grayson cheated on you?" She asked, judgment nowhere near in her voice. I guiltily nodded and hung my head low, "I'm the shittiest of shitty, I know." She shook her head, "Everyone makes mistakes... besides, it looks like Grayson already forgives you both." I looked over at him who was laughing with the two men. They were as friendly as ever and started to walk over to us. Jordy looked at me and half smiled once Grayson hugged me close.

"Jazzy, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, we were drunk and sad because our people upset us. Now I have to explain to my boyfriend-"

"Boyfriend?" My jaw fell open and so did Monique's. "I thought you knew?" He asked confusedly and I shook my head, "Nope." He chuckled, "I'm not even straight, I'm kind of disgusted with myself, no offense. Your man beat the liquor out of me anyway, I deserved it though." I smiled as Grayson laughed and hugged Jordy, "That was kind of nasty. Start over?"

He nodded with a smile, "Most definitely."


"Woah, this vacation home is huge-" Monique started, but a voice boomed throughout the house.

"Ah, my son, my nephew! Welcome, welcome!" A man that looked an awful lot like Grayson came bouncing around the corridor. Jordan and Grayson immediately shook hands with him with a goofy grin on their faces. "What's up, Uncle E?" The man shrugged, "Ready to take over Santiago's position with me?" Grayson nodded and smiled at me.

"Jasmine, this is my uncle Ezekiel. E, this is my beautiful girlfriend who you scarred the shit out of last night by using my room as a sex parlor," Gray playfully scolded and Ezekiel laughed, as did everyone else. "I'm terribly sorry, but I've had that Lobby woman in my eyes for a while. Told her my name was Mr. Blood and that was that."

Jordan laughed, "You fucked a lot of shit up for everyone by doing that, dad." Ezekiel shrugged, "Looks like it was only fucked for you. Damn boy, G do this to your face?" Jordy nodded and Ezekiel playfully rolled his eyes. "I heard Jasmine and her friend...?"

"Monique, pleasure," She said with a smile and he shook her hand, "Monique. I heard you girls are training today?"

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