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That last chapter was quite eventful, how are we feeling about this relationship?

  Please continue commenting and voting, happy reading!💛


  I woke up to harsh sun rays beating down on my face. I groaned lightly and sat up, it's Sunday, my day off. The events of last night came flooding back. After my shower last night, bruises appeared all over my back due to being thrown into the glass table. My palms had little cuts all over them and my nose hurt like never before. I had gone back to my room and Josh was already fast asleep, a huge part of me was glad so we didn't have round two.

  I looked over and he was still snoozing, it's already eleven a.m. I climbed out of bed slowly, careful not to wake him. I know what I have to do. I need to leave, we don't need to be together right now.

  I slowly walk over to the walk-in closet and close the doors behind me, packing my bags quietly. After I was done, I walked out, tiptoeing around to find a pen and paper. I found them in my nightstand drawer and began to write my letter to him so I wouldn't face round two.

  My love,
  I'm so sorry for the things I have done, I know I deserved what you did. I'm going away for a while to give us the space we so desperately need. I'll come back for you, if you still want me.
I love you,
Jasmine xo

  I sighed and folded it, putting it on the pillow beside his head.I walked downstairs swiftly, grabbing the house phone and dialed my dad's number. He picked up on the second ring, indicating he wasn't busy.

  "Hey, Jazzy," He greeted cheerfully and I smiled softly at the sound of his voice.

  "Hi, dad. I left..." I trailed off, my voice cracking.

  "I'm coming, stay there, baby," He said quickly before hanging up. I sighed in relief as hot tears slowly fell from my face. I walked out of the house, not looking back. I sat on the bench outside of our gate that was shaded by a huge oak tree, I felt gross.

  All I was wearing was my baby blue fleece sweat pants and a white tank top, paired with my black house shoes. My hair was in a messy bun and not a hint of makeup trailed on my face. After about ten minutes, I sniffled and wiped my face of tears as my dad's car came into view. I stood up and picked my bags up, walking to the trunk. He popped it open and got out, scurrying over to me before helping me load my things up. He looked at me with a soft smile before wrapping his arms around me. I tensed and bit my inner cheek to keep from crying at the pain of my back, but I hugged him back anyways. I cried softly into his shoulder as he rubbed my hair.

  I finally pulled away and he wiped the tears off of my face, "Regardless of what happens, I just want you to know that I'm proud of you and I stand by your decision. Now, how about that ice cream we used to go get before mom, huh?" 

  I smiled and sniffled, nodding my head as we made our way into the front seat, "Where's your driver?"

  "I let Gerard take a personal day, I wanted to be with my daughter so he can be with his, too," He said and I smiled, dad is always letting his driver spend time with his daughter who is only five. It's super sweet and I'm lucky to have a dad who cares to spend time with me.

  After a while of entering the ice cream shop, talking about different things, we were on the way to one of my dad's houses on the other side of town that only Moe and Kells know of. Dad looked over at me and smiled as we pulled into the neighborhood gates, "We're here. Monique and Kelly are already settling in. They'll stay here with you for as long as you need."

  "Thank you, dad. I really appreciate all of this, really," I thanked him as we pulled into the driveway of one of his most extravagant houses. I got out of the car as he parked it and between the two of us, we carried my luggage inside. Moe and Kells were already waiting in the living room in their pajamas, "Bye, Mr. Cobain!"

  "Love all of you girls, be safe!" Dad called out as he kissed my cheek and left as soon as we had arrived. One look at my best friends and I began tearing up, "I need to tell you guys something... something I did." They both furrowed their eyes in confusion as Kells patted the seat beside her on the loveseat. I sighed and walked over, sitting down as she had requested. I took one look at them both and tried to figure out what I was going to say as I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat.

  "What is it? You can tell us anything," Moe encouraged me and I nodded.

  "When we were at Don's... that guy I danced with," I started slowly, my voice betraying me with gross cracks.

  "Yeah?" Kells encouraged me to continue as her hand began to rub circles on my back. I hissed in pain and instinctively moved away from her. Kelly shot up in confusion, afraid she had hurt me for whatever reason.

  "What did Josh do to you, Jazzy?" Moe asked, tears lacing her vision as Kells lifted the back of my tank top. "Nothing I didn't deserve," I whispered, a single tear falling from my eye. Kells gasped at the sight of my ugly black and blue tattered back, "I'm going to murder him!"

   "I ch-... cheated on him," I choked out and Moe furrowed her eyebrows, "Huh?"

  "That guy... when I went to the bathroom. We-... we had sex," I said softly, ashamed as I hung my head low. They both scrambled to get near me, Monique lifted my head up to meet her line of vision, "Never hang your head from shame in front of us again."

  Kelly nodded her head in agreement, "Josh hit you out of anger for going against his possessiveness. Sleeping with another man may not have been the best solution, but what he's been doing to you goes against the vow of a relationship anyways."

  "Was the man at least good lookin-" Moe was cut off by a knock at the door. I wiped my eyes and started walking to the front door, the girls hot on my trail. I opened it and to my horror, it was the man of the hour.

  Mysterious, beautiful man.

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