Broke ✓

132 20 3

Three Days GracePain

"once, love used to be the sweetest melody for you, now it only reminds you your screamy nights." Pen and Paper Thoughts
°• o n e •°

The 6th of April, Year 2019.

     She's sitting in the couch before a blank television, with a cup of water in her hands, when her mother comes in. The front door slams against the wall after swinging all the way back. The woman staggers, heels clacking and keys jingling, in the dead silence of the house where Alessia dwells.

     Her hands tighten around the cup, calculating eyes observing the language her mother's body speaks this time. She's definitely intoxicated, but, 'Is she drunk or high tonight?'

     For a whole minute, the woman stands on the mat in the doorway, shoulders slumped and head lowered. Her straight dark hair is knotted, falling in bundles around her face. If Alessia wasn't keen after all she's been through, she would've never noticed the small shivers of her body. The young girl stiffens. 'Is she... She's crying...? Why? Why is this woman crying?' She has only known her mother to have two direct ways of expressing herself, because all her life it's either been straight up excitement or pure rage directed at nothing in particular yet she always feels the brunt of it. She has seen the anger more than enough.

     But, tears?



     This is new. What is this woman going to do to her in this state? Better to be ignored, while worst case scenario, she gets grabbed and jerked around.

     "Alessia," her name sounds crushed coming from her mother's lips. It makes her nervous at its unfamiliarity. She inhales and stands, clutching the cup of water before her. "Close the door for me." The order is quiet, but sharp.

     Alessia moves towards the door fluidly, closing it and turning the lock. When she turns around, her mother has already taken comfort in the spot on the couch where she had been seated. Anissa looks up at her daughter with a tear stained face, where her mascara and eyeliner do her no justice. She lifts a shaky arm and pat's the empty spot beside her for her child to sit.

     She sits.

     Five minutes of unspoken words pass, before Anissa speaks up hoarsely, "He left me." She snatches Alessia's water and gulps down a mouthful, then she continues, "He says I'm too clingy and over the top. He says if that's what I call love, then it's suffocating. I–It was unrequited all along. He dropped me so easily, and moved on a second later. What the fuck? It's like everything before was meaningless."

     'Now you realize this?' The child's stare is flat.

     More tears seep from Anissa's eyes as she adds, now peering up at Alessia, "I owe him money for the drugs I took during our relationship. He never asked me to pay before... Sebastian is such a fucking dud. I have 5 days to pay and I'm broke." She sobs frustratedly, hanging onto her hair after putting down the cup. "Broke as hell. Where am I going to get the money from? My ass?! Your ass surely doesn't have any money! I'm gonna die...!" Her shoulders start shaking as another wave of sadness hits her, but this time, Alessia knows there is fear.

     She watches the woman blankly, wondering, 'Is it finally the time for my suffering to end?' She doesn't mind, but Anissa clearly does.

     "We're gonna die!"


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