Chapter 1 || Love at First Glance

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fan fic of Dramione, if it sucks I'm sorry I tried my best! But I hope you guys like it!


Also the theme song is called "Lose You To Love Me" by Selena Gomez, hence the title. The theme song won't be in for a few more chapters! Thanks guys! Hope you like it!


Hermione's POV

When the war was over, all the students came back to finish off their years at Hogwarts. It was my seventh year, Ron and I never became a couple because I had some feelings of my own.

Ginny respected my wishes as she should have, Harry was trying to make us become a couple but unfortunately we never did. I had certain feelings that I've never imagined myself to have for someone, someone other than him. It really made me confused and wondered if I ever did, truth is I did.

For a long a time, I've had feelings for him ever since we were eleven at our first year here at Hogwarts. It's true that he's insulted Harry, Ron and I but I've shut those hurtful things he's said to me aside.

After his aunt writing MudBlood on my arm, I've had nightmares about it ever since. Ginny would always have to run to my bedside, hugging and comforting me as my best friend and telling me it's okay.

I got dressed wearing my nice school uniform attire but Ginny wanted me to wear something more out going, I told her my attire was okay. I was wearing a white buttoned down shirt with my Gryffindor tie, matching skirt and of course my Gryffindor robe.

My hair was in a half up half down do letting my curls fall over my shoulders, I grabbed my books as both Ginny and I headed down to the common room to meet up with the boys to go to breakfast in the Great Hall.

Ginny stopped me before we hit the stairs, "does Harry and Ron know you've been having these nightmares?"

I gave a slight sigh just thinking about them, "no, I'm not ready to tell them. When I'm ready, can you be there for me?"

She smiled giving a nod, "of course I would! Why wouldn't I? You're my best friend!"

I hugged her, "thank you Ginny."

"You're welcome Mione."

We walked down, my arm was burning. I looked down to see a bit of blood purse through the whiteness of my shirt, I gave a gasp. Ginny had turned her head seeing it in my peripheral vision, she put a healing charm on it and as she did the pain was worse but I bit down on my tongue to ignore it as Harry and Ron were standing before me.

"Mione are you okay?" Harry asked me concerned.

I nodded closing my eyes for a bit then opening them, "I'm alright, let's head down to the Great Hall shall we?"

The three of them nodded, Ginny had her arm intertwined with Harry's, I was walking with Ron as I had hid my bloodied arm with my books as I had held it to my chest.

Ron was staring at me as it was obvious, "Mione, are you okay? You haven't spoken a word since we left the common room."

I took in a deep breath as the pain had worsened, "I'm alright Ron, I'll be okay. How are you doing?"

He gave me a calm smile, "I'm doing alright."

At this very moment I had let out a groan dropping my books, holding onto my arm collapsing, "Mione! Harry! Ginny! Quick!"

The two of them ran over to me, Ginny went to my side. Harry and Ron gasped as to seeing my arm had bled through my shirt, "Mione? What is that?"

I groaned at the pain, "it's my scar, from that night. When Bellatrix tortured me writing MudBlood on my arm, I've had nightmares about it ever since."

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