Chapter 11 || Winter break

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Hermione's POV

Today was the day that I was going to go to the Malfoy manor with Draco, we were going to invite our friends over for dinner on the 25th. I just wish there was a way for my parents to be broken out of the spell I put them under, but with the consequences it was too strong to break.

I got my luggage ready, I picked up crookshanks holding him in my arm feeling him purr against my chest. I walked down the stairs to join everyone in the common room, we all were saying our goodbyes but we won't have to until we go on the train.

Some students were staying in the castle, but the others were going home to their families. I walked with Ginny, Ron, Harry, Neville, Luna and Finnigan to the gates to board the train.

I saw Draco standing with Blaise and Crabbe talking about, seems like Draco forgave Crabbe for what he did. They turned around to see me walk with my friends, Draco walked up towards me kissing me in front of everyone.

Ginny and Luna awed us along with other girls, the guys told us to get a room. Which is what we'll be doing this winter break, but most definitely getting dinner prepared for Christmas Day.

"You ready love?" He asked me smiling.

I smiled back, "Ready."

Blaise and Crabbe walked behind us, Draco pet Crookshanks who was already purring up a storm. I hugged Hagrid goodbye, he gave me a hug back along with everyone else.

Once we got on the train, we went to the carts to be seated in each one. All of us managed to sit in one together, Draco helped me with my luggage to put above me along with his. Crookshanks was on my lap laying down, Draco began to pet him.

"So, what are your guys' plans for Christmas?" Harry asked both Draco and I.

We looked at each other smiling, "well we were planning on having all of you join us for Christmas Day for dinner at the manor but we assumed you all have plans with your families, but if that was the case we were going to go out for dinner."

"Aww that's so romantic! Well, whatever the case if we do end up being with our families we're terribly sorry. But if we have dinner with them and head to your manor, then it shouldn't be a problem," Ginny said with a smile.

Draco smiled, "that's very kind of you but we don't want to get in the way of your guys' plans, so by all means stay with your family. We'll figure it out when the day comes."

They nodded, "Oy Draco, when are you going to throw a party mate? Since your mother won't be attending the house until, what is it? Two months?"

Everyone looked confused, "your mother isn't going to be with you guys for Christmas?"

I sighed, "no, heartbreaking as it is she needs time alone to herself. With Lucius in Azkaban, she doesn't really have a Christmas holiday to spend."

"Bloody hell, that's sad," Neville said, "we have to do something with you guys!"

"Tell you what, Christmas Eve we can have a party at my house. But no alcohol Blaise and Crabbe, we need it to be more mature like. My mother doesn't want to come back seeing how much of a mess we left the manor," Draco explains.

Everyone nodded in agreement, "that sounds marvelous!"

"Blimey! I really wanted to bring over fire whiskey mate!" Blaise groaned.

We laughed, I held onto Draco's hand as Crookshanks slept on my lap. During the train ride we talked about everything, we had long conversations about our memories at Hogwarts.

As we arrived at platform nine in three quarters, I picked up Crookshanks off my lap while Draco helped reaching for my luggage up on the top shelf. Once everyone was ready, we got off the train to walk out of the wall to head over to Draco's manor.

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