Chapter 12 || Putting up the Tree

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Hermione's POV

I woke up next to Draco naked as can be, I enjoyed seeing him naked but we had to get dressed as we were going to decorate the house today and putting up the tree.

I got up going over to the dresser to put on my clothes for today, as I was doing so I felt arms around me. I chuckled knowing it was him, with him being so cute I couldn't resist everything he does for me.

"Morning love," he says whispering in my ear.

I smiled, "morning darling, ready to decorate the house?"

He groaned, "why don't we just stay in bed, snuggling, naked, fucking each other and just loving each other."

I chuckled, "Draco we have to decorate the house, we can't just lay here doing nothing all day."

I felt him smile, "alright then love, we can decorate the house and put up the tree. Shall we have our friends over to help us?"

"That's a marvelous idea! You can bring Blaise and Crabbe while I invite my good friends," I said smiling.

I kissed him on his precious lips, after leaving Draco to get dressed I was greeted by Vera at the stairs who was waiting for me.

"Good morning miss Granger, how was your sleep?" She asked greeting me.

We walked down the stairs together, "it was wonderful, never slept like that in a long while. Well, maybe of course at Hogwarts but that's different. This felt like I was sleeping on clouds, it was truly amazing."

"Glad you felt comfortable miss Granger, oh pardon me but would you like to help me prepare breakfast?" She offered.

I smiled nodding towards her, "of course! Thank you so much Vera!"

"You're welcome miss Granger," she head bowed with a smile.

We walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, as Vera got out the ingredients I had a feeling Draco was out listening in while Vera and I talked. I had some feeling that he wanted us to bond, to get to know one another.

"Vera, can I ask a question?" I asked her.

She turned to me with a grin, "yes miss Granger?"

"How'd you get through Lucius' abuse? Like him mistreating you," I asked her.

She sighed, "I'll be honest with you miss Granger, the only way I got through it that well is because of master Draco. I know it was hard having him to see me get abused by Lucius, whenever he hits me I'd show him that it doesn't hurt but deep inside it does. Miss Granger, I know Draco was so hard on you with your friends but he'd never stop talking about you. That day when you were frozen from looking at your mirror in terror, Draco placed a spell on a paper into your hand. I clearly didn't know he did but he's told me many times, told me how happy he was to see you all better."

I couldn't find any words to say other than from what she has told me about Draco, I couldn't believe it! Draco is by far the man who's changed in many good ways, I never figured that a good man would hide behind a mask all this time.

"Vera I'm so glad that you were okay through that, but I'm just happy Draco was there for you," I told her.

She smiled, "that means a lot miss Granger thank you, mind if I ask how Draco was to you?"

I let out a sigh, I knew this question was next but I have to tell her.

"He was nice at first when I had met him, but he got rude towards us when Harry rejected to be his friend. He teased us and would call us names, in our second year he called me a MudBlood but at the library Lucius even mentioned how Draco talked about me to him. In our third year he teased Harry from fainting on the train, he saw a Dementor and fainted—then got attacked by Hagrid's bird Buckbeak in fairy creatures class. He called me a MudBlood again while I was with Ron looking at the shrieking shack, Harry attacked him by throwing snowballs. I punched him in the face when Hagrid's bird Buckbeak was sentenced to death, that proved that I found him attractive and had a crush. Our fourth year I knew that he had a thing for me too when I wore a beautiful gown for the Yule ball during the Triwizard tournament, later in the years it changed somehow. During the deathly hallows Harry, Ron and I were hunting for hocruxes and we got caught by the death eaters. I attacked Harry's face with a spell to make his face deformed to not let anybody recognize him, his aunt Bellatrix attacked me by writing MudBlood on my arm to get answers. Draco watched the whole thing, I knew he wanted to do something because he couldn't bare watching it anymore. When Harry and Ron escaped the cell with Luna and the wand keeper, Draco attacked back by doing something he wanted to do. But we got away and that's what caused Dobby's life, and after all of that Draco had changed. It was a good change, he never tormented Harry and Ron anymore. Then as we were finishing up our year at Hogwarts that's when Draco and I admitted our feelings, we're dating, and here we are," I explained to her.

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