Chapter 6 || First Possession

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Hermione's POV

It was my next day off when I began to walk around with my cat crookshanks, we walked to my spots on where I always spend time thinking. I spend time talking to Dumbledore and Snape, I miss my professors dearly. They died knowing they did the right thing, Harry had told me everything.

I heard twigs breaking on the ground as I was startled, I look over to see Luna petting a bunny, "oh it's just you Luna, I thought you were someone or something else."

She smiled, "what brings you and crookshanks out here?"

"Just thinking."

"About? May I ask?" She asked walking over to me sitting next to me.

I smiled while looking out on the outskirts of the black lake, "dating Draco, we made it official last night. Just there's something about him that makes my heart skip a beat, he makes me happy Luna."

She smiled, "I always knew you and him would get together, I see the way he looks at you. He admires you Hermione, it was as if the signs were right."

"Can you just not tell anyone about us being together? I don't want everyone to give me any remarks on being together," I tell her.

She smiled giving me a nod, "I won't tell anyone Hermione, you have my word."

I hugged her, "thank you Luna, I'll see you later. I'm going to go get my studying done, thanks for everything."

She smiled, "no problem, and shouldn't you be resting?"

I nodded, "yeah, but I want to get my studying done with."


I began to walk back, as I reached the library. I got out books on hauntings and spirits, with it being out my league on reading these books I had to read on it. With Bellatrix showing herself it makes no sense whatsoever, why show up now than earlier?

As I was reading through I felt arms go around my neck, I looked over my left shoulder to see Draco staring at me smiling. I kissed his ever so soft lips that I love feeling, crookshanks purred seeing Draco while he pet him.

"Hermione you're supposed to be resting love, not studying but knowing your adorable self you can't stay away from the books," he said smirking at me.

I smiled, "I'm just reading on spirits and ghosts, hauntings and possessions. Clearly with Bellatrix's spirit here, she'll show up at whatever time she feels like."

"Hermione, everything will be alright. I'm here to protect you, I know she's my aunt and whatever she bloody says to me she'll find a way to break me. But please don't worry about her or any of this stuff anymore," he tells me.

I sighed and gave a nod, "alright, how was class?"

"Well, Ginny sits next to me to keep me company even though I can't really talk to Potter and Weasel. Blaise kept asking about you, I swear if he likes you of some sort I'm going to—"

I suddenly interrupted him by kissing him to shut up, I stared into his grey eyes, "he can't like me because knowing my boyfriend he'll hurt him."

He smirked, "oh will he? And might I ask, who's this lucky boyfriend?"

"Oh he's a very charming guy, he has a smile that always melts my heart, an attitude that is indeed very sexy but one that can almost make you beat him. He's a very sweet guy," I said with a smirk.

He smirked back laughing, "well, well you actually wanted to beat me?"

"Well I did punch you, I can always do it again," I winked at him.

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