Epilogue: Scorpius' second Year and Rose's first year

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Hermione's POV

Draco and I took Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and Rose Minerva Malfoy to the Hogwarts Express, I was pregnant once more, I was about four months and two weeks in. As we arrived we saw everyone, Ron with Parvati with his two kids Hugo and Lucy Weasley, Ginny and Harry with their kids Albus, James, and Lily. Everyone we knew were together with kids, Neville and Luna were together with their kids, it was really good to see everyone again.

As we were getting Scorpius and Rose ready, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Parvati came over joining us. I smiled as I had greeted them, after saying goodbye to Scorpius by giving him a sweet kiss on his head with the same platinum blonde hair as his fathers. Rose has the same hair as me but with her fathers eyes, Scorpius has my chocolate brown eyes.

"Bye mother! Bye father! I'll miss you!" Scorpius yelled at us before boarding the express.

We both waved, "bye Scorpius! Bye Rose! We'll miss you too!"

It brought back many memories of all of us going to Hogwarts, I know for sure that they're going to conquer many things, with Ron, Harry and I breaking many school rules and finding many Hogwarts secrets it really had brought so many memories back into my mind.

Now that Harry's scar has gone, he doesn't speak in parstletongue, it truly is remarkable how life is after spending so much of it at Hogwarts and even at the end you're fighting for your life to save the school to defeat the dark lord.

After seeing them off, Draco and I headed back home, being with Draco has made me the happiest, just couldn't believe that only yesterday it felt like we had come back from our honeymoon.

Upon driving back to our house, Draco buckled up but then looked over at me, "love, are you alright?"

I smiled, "yes darling, just thinking."


"How you and I are married with two beautiful children, while our third one is growing inside me. Felt like only yesterday we had gotten married, Scorpius and Rose were born, but now they're off to Hogwarts. Don't you think it's all just one big of a shock, that life has moved on so quickly that all the memories of us in Hogwarts just felt like one big story?" I said to him.

He stared at me smiling at every word I spilled to him, "Hermione, you're so adorable when you speak like that. But yes love, I always think about our memories together at Hogwarts, and our children will get to experience that themselves. Fall in love with whomever they have a crush on, I just know that you and I were meant to be."

"Oh Draco, you're such a sweet talker."

"But you love it, come on admit it."

I laughed, "I do."

I leaned in kissing him so sweetly on his lips that are always too die for, he began to drive us back home. During the drive, I stared up in the sky, knowing that our past professors are up in heaven looking down on us. Proud that we have great future wizards who are attending Hogwarts, it just hurts that they're gone.

I closed my eyes, remembering every memory I have, it just felt surreal and unbelievable. I smiled as I had remembered everything, especially the one where I punch Draco in the face as he runs off scared. I smiled big, then even remembered him and I getting together.

Thank you professor Dumbledore, Severus Snape, RJ Lupin, and many more who are watching us from above. I thank you for giving me such great memories that I'll hold on too forever, thank you.


Hey guys! So sorry the bonus chapter is short, but hoped you liked it!

Thank you for reading my first ever Hermione and Draco fan fic, please feel free to share with your friends to get more views, votes and to see how much you've liked it.

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