Chapter 13 || Christmas Eve

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Hermione's POV

I was waken up by Draco kissing me, I opened my eyes a bit to see him all over me while I slept. I smiled to myself knowing that he has no clue I'm awake, until the very moment he strips me down to where I'm almost even bare naked.

He spreads my legs open wide, comes in between to lick my core. I gasp, I opened my eyes and look at his already hungry eyes staring at me. I bit my lip, laid back and let him do his business.

Usually, Draco always wakes up with his morning wood. I guess you could say this was my first encounter, yesterday morning he had to shower to get it over with as he had put it.

Apparently this was his worst morning wood, it was bulging hard and I couldn't even bare to not have it in my mouth. Or even deliciously into my wet core yearning for him, I was dying for it.

He moved upward towards me hovering over me, he planted a kiss on my lips, then kisses my neck to leave love bites, "morning love."

I moaned, "morning darling, I take it you have morning wood."

"You bet I do love, just need to get it over with. I need to be inside you," he groans.

I bit my lip, "go ahead."

As soon as I had commanded him to, he listens and does so. I bite my lip knowing how extremely hard it was, he starts pumping me the way I like. I moan in pleasure that he was giving me, he groans and kisses my neck more.

He moved to suck on my breasts, I moaned even more enjoying it, "oh Draco."

"Yes love say my name."

I moan even more now, I didn't even realize that I was so close and so was he. I scratch his back, moan loud as can be and let out my orgasm all over him as he came at the same time.

He collapses next to me breathing heavily, "wow love, that was indeed the most amazing morning wood experience I've ever had."

I chuckled laying on his chest, "indeed it was Draco, shall we get dressed for today? We're planning that Christmas Eve party that we talked about with everyone."

"Oh right, I forgot about that. I'll lay here for a bit while you go on and shower," he says.

I stare at him with my eyebrows raised, "you better not fall asleep Draco."

He chuckled, "love I just pumped a good big load into you after our morning fondue, I'm sorry if I fall sleep."

I laughed kissing his lips, "it's alright darling, you can rest for a bit but when I come out you need to shower."

"Yes love," he says kissing me, "I'll be waiting."

I smiled as I kissed him back, I got up and headed towards his walk in bathroom. As I got in my arm began to burn, I looked down to see the word MudBlood appear once again.

What the bloody hell is this! I gasped knowing that it has come back, the words had come back and Bellatrix may even be back too. Fear crept over me like a wave, I didn't know what to do or what to even think.

I want to tell Draco about it but besides the fact that he's happy, I feel as though he'll be pissed or in fear that this curse or whatever has come back. Which even reminds me that last night I had a nightmare, about her. It was as if this time she was calling me, laughing, calling me a MudBlood. Writing it in my arm, me screaming, and living in the torment again and again.

I wanted to tell Draco but of course we had our fondue, maybe when the time was right I should tell him. But I have to do it soon, or else if I tell him later he'd be upset.

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