Chapter 7 || Unbreakable

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Hey guys! Letting you know that in this chapter it will be sad to read, but we all know what happens after this. Not going to say what happens but "someone" comes back.

Also, don't forget to vote! 😁 Enjoy!


Hermione's POV

In my dream I was walking around the halls, everyone was staring at me weirdly like I had a mole on my cheek. Luckily I touched it but there was nothing, I was going to meet Draco at the courtyard.

As I arrived he looked mad at me, he walked past me shoving his shoulder onto mine. I caught my balance and turned him towards me, "Draco? What's wrong?"

"Don't touch me, filthy little MudBlood!" He snarled at me.

I gasped as I had remembered him saying that to me the first time in our second year as he was in Quidditch, I felt the tears in my eyes but heard a familiar laugh in the courtyard.

I turned to see Pansy, she was laughing with Blaise and Crabbe staring at me. I walked up to her, her laugh faded away as I had pulled my wand out.

"Stupefy!" I yelled.

I attacked her, she fell back landing on the hard ground, "bloody hell Granger!"

"Bugger off!" I yelled at them.

They ran away, I knelt down towards Pansy, "what did you tell Draco? What did you say to him?"

She chuckled, "here's the deal MudBlood, you're to stay away from Draco or I'll kill you myself. Obey this deal and I'll let your friends live, but if you don't your friends will die."

"But why is Draco pissed at me?" I asked her.

She smiled, "because he made a deal with me darling, this is all too easy."

"You're not really in my dream are you?" I asked.

She chuckled, "oh but I am MudBlood, I'm in your dream telling you this deal. You'll wake up confused, you'll get dressed and when you do you'll come to the Chamber of Secrets to see me. We'll make the deal face to face, that attack you did was amazing— but not good enough."

I let out a scoff, "what is it that you want Pansy?"

"I want my Drakiepoo back, if you consider this we'll call it even and be on our ways. Draco doesn't have to know about it, neither should your best friend Ginny," she says.

Luckily I'm a sleep talker so technically Ginny is hearing what I'm saying out loud, "Hermione?"

Her voice echoed in my dream state, "we'll continue this later."

I woke up to Ginny shoving me lightly, it was seven in the morning already with the curtains open a bit revealing the perfect sun over the horizon.

"What were you talking about in your dream? About a deal? Draco being pissed at you?" She asked.

I gave a sigh rubbing my eyes, "I can't talk about it Ginny, I'm sorry."

"Why the bloody hell not? I'm your best friend Mione, we tell each other everything!" She says.

I nodded, "I know, I know but someone in my dream told me not too. I'm sorry, I want to tell you but I can't."

She sighed, "whatever."

After I got dressed, I began to walk out to go to the Chamber of Secrets. I wanted to see if Pansy was really there, I snuck away to go see for myself.

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