Chapter 5 || It's Official

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Hey guys! Letting you all know before hand that this will be more of a explicit chapter with know what I mean 😏.

Hope you guys like it!

Psst! Don't play the song until I tell you! 😉


Hermione's POV

I woke up Monday morning a week later breathing heavily from my nightmare, I dreamt of Bellatrix coming at me with more anger. Asking why I love Draco, and that he's going to betray them.

She was writing more 'MudBlood' on my arms and even on my stomach causing me to bleed more, I looked down on my stomach to see that there wasn't a scar there or on my arm—only the one on my left.

I rubbed my face in my hands shaking it off, Ginny woke up suddenly hearing me gasp, "Mione? What happened in your dream?"

"Bellatrix attacked me, she asked why I loved Draco and that he was going to betray them by being with me. She began to write MudBlood on my stomach and on my right arm torturing me, it ended before she could kill me with her wand leaving where it left off before we had left the manor with Dobby," I tell her, "Ginny it won't stop."

She sighed while taking off her covers walking over to me, hugging me in her arms, "Mione, you're a strong witch that I know you are. You wouldn't let a speck of anything come your way, you'd even kill anything too! Please take McGonagall's wishes and mine along with Draco's to go see madame Pomfrey, okay?"

I nodded, "thank you Ginny, we should be getting ready for breakfast and for our classes."

She nodded, we both got up. I brushed my hair while putting it in a half up half down do once again, I put on my school attire along with my house robes on. After Ginny was ready, we both walked down with our books in hand.

We over heard Ron talking to Harry about how George was upset on losing Fred from the final battle, it was heartbreaking to see Ron lose his older brother. Fred was my favorite twin although George was amazingly funny, he told Harry how when he spoke to him he didn't sound the same.

We both walked down as Ginny walked up to him hitting him in the arm, "you bloody didn't tell me that you talked to George? What if I wanted to talk to him?"

"Ow! Ginny you were with Harry! You two needed 'alone time' with each other and I didn't want to bother either of you," he said to her.

She huffed crossing her arms, "well,
I'm going to speak to him later today without you around."

He shook his head, "can we go eat breakfast now?"

"Yes," I replied.

I walked ahead of the group wanting see Draco already in the Great Hall, I realized I haven't been getting enough sleep because of all the screaming and all the waking up in the middle of the night hallucinating by seeing her sitting on my bed staring at me with that evil grin.

Ron looked at me as he had caught up to me, "Hermione, bloody hell you don't look good! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Ron," I snarled at him.

He put his hand lightly on my shoulder, "Mione you don't look too well, what's wrong?"

"Will you give it a bloody rest?" I yelled at him shoving his hand off me.

I walked inside the Great Hall, Harry ran over to me putting his arm around my shoulder knowing what was wrong with me. Having Ginny telling him when I walked ahead on what happened last night by me telling her, I wanted these nightmares to end.

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