Chapter 19 || Proposal, Graduation & Potters Wedding

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Hey guys sorry I haven't uploaded a new chapter in a while, been caught up with work, money, and all basic life struggles.

Anyway, this chapter is all about the love and the final ending chapter as they graduate from Hogwarts. I hope it's good! :)


Hermione's POV
(Theme song for the graduation part is Congratulations by Post Malone)

Today was the day, it's the final chapter of our lives. I wasn't ready to leave my Hogwarts home, I had many friends here, we battled together to defeat Voldemort and now that he's gone we're finally free.

As I was getting ready for my graduation ceremony, I wore a cute summer dress underneath with nice comfortable heels since I'm pregnant. The girls were staring at me, I got nervous that they'd say something but one of them came up to me.

"Hermione I think you're gorgeous, with your pregnancy I think you're glowing everyday. Don't listen to what other people say about you, you're beautiful," she says to me with a smile.

I smiled back, "thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

I looked in the mirror and saw myself, I turned to the side seeing my now growing baby bump, my hair was straightened and I wore light makeup. I had my cap on along with my undone gown, I hid my wand in my thigh pocket and began to walk down the stairs.

As I got down the stairs to the common room, everyone stared smiling at me, Dean and Finnigan were in their best moods returning the favor by nodding with a smile. I smiled back nodding towards them, I walked up to Ginny, Ron, and Harry. Neville was over by Finnigan talking, it was nice seeing us all graduate.

"Hermione you look great!" Harry said to me.

I stared at him, "Harry don't be so cocky around Ginny who's your fiancé, but thank you."

"Wow Mione, haven't had anything to eat eh?" He says taking what I said as a joke.

"I haven't, Merlin am I starving," I said putting my hand to my stomach.

They laughed, Ginny walks up to me and I can honestly feel the nervousness in her as her wedding is coming closer, "are you nervous?"

"Nervous? Why do you think that Mione?" She asks.

I chuckled, "oh please Ginny, I can see it on your face! The way your body language is portrayed, you're nervous!"

"Yes I am indeed nervous but I'm excited to marry the man who I loved since the beginning," she says, "I'm just happy you're my maid of honor."

I smiled, "I'm so honored to be your maid of honor."

We hugged, then had to get into position on walking out into the quidditch courtyard to sit in our orders to get our diplomas. I was sitting next to Ginny, Cho was on my left. Knowing that Harry dated her in our fifth year, she wasn't really that much of a good girlfriend to him. She told Umbridge of where our secret training room was, she hurt Harry.

She gave me a little smile as we sat next to one another, I gave one back then paid attention to McGonagall as she was giving her speech. I was excited to get my diploma, I couldn't believe that I was finishing up my last year already. I'm pregnant with Draco's son, going to Harry and Ginny's wedding, but I'm more excited about where my future is going to be.

"Hermione Granger."

I stand up and walk to the stage to retrieve my diploma when I did my baby bump is clearly showing through my gown and everyone I know was clapping and cheering. I looked to the audience sitting up top with everyone's parents sitting in rows, I notice Lucius and Narcissa standing up clapping for me.

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