Chapter 9 || Our Little Secret

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Hermione's POV

I was sitting in the great hall with Ginny, Harry, Ron and Draco along with Neville as we watched Harry and Ron play chess. We held hands watching them, it never gets tiring to see them play.

Blaise walked over to us sitting next to Ginny, "so, clearly I heard in the common room that word is spreading around about you two dating."

We looked at our hands then broke our hands free to not make anyone stare, we knew that we weren't fully ready to tell everyone but eventually we'll have to.

"What are you two going to do? You can't keep it a secret forever you know," Ginny states making it obvious that we already knew the circumstances.

I stared at her, "Ginny as much as I love you, I know about the consequences. Since you Neville already know including Luna, I'm afraid that everyone in Gryffindor won't appreciate me anymore."

"That's not true Mione, you're the greatest witch we know and if anything you'll stop anyone who gets in your way," Ron said.

I sighed, Harry took out one of Ron's pawns. I remember in our first year, we were down in the secret doorway and had come across the huge chessboard that you had to play in order to pass. That's when we discovered that our dark arts teacher had Voldemort living within him, but now they're both gone.

"Thanks Ron, Draco I think we should talk about this," I said to him.

He looked over at me staring into my eyes and never leaving our locked sight, "we'll tell them when it's ready, when it feels right."

I smiled, "we will."

I stood up from the table walking out to head to the library, I was going to catch up on all my studying before winter break comes. I wondered if Draco was going to bring me to his manor to meet his mother, I've heard great stories that he's told me about her.

As I was reading there were students staring at me, whispering to themselves and would look away from when I looked at them back. I sighed to myself knowing this wouldn't end, Finnigan even stared at me then walked away.

I stood up, "Finnigan, what's wrong?"

"We feel like you're dating that Slytherin Hermione, are you betraying us? For him?" He asked me, "or is it even true? All of it? The rumors?"

I sighed, "Finnigan—"

"I can't do this."

"Please let me explain!" I yelled after he walked away from me.

I let out a breath, I can't even put to words how my own house and friends will not look at me the same anymore. I stared at each and everyone of them who looked at me, I gave them each my evil glare.

I spoke to them in my mind, "bugger off earwigs."

They looked away knowing how I would treat them, since I'm the most famous witch throughout Hogwarts with me behind Harry of the boy who lived.

I grabbed my books and walked out, this wasn't going to be easy but without Draco's permission I'm going to tell everyone in the common room tonight. That's of course me spending the evening with him behind closed doors, keeping our love a secret.

I wonder what Draco is doing right now.

Draco's POV

I sat down at the table in the common room, students around me whispering amongst theirselves. Everyone of them stared, glaring at me deep into my soul wondering what I was keeping a secret of.

Astoria walked up to me, smirking with her ungrateful self, "so Malfoy, is it true that you killed Pansy? Or is it true that you're now banging up the famous MudBlood that once belonged to the Weasel? Even though he kissed her for one day."

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