Chapter 14 || The News

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Hermione's POV

After winter break we came back to Hogwarts to continue the rest of our last year here, I had to tell Draco the news. I had to tell him that I'm pregnant, I founded out yesterday with Vera at the house and didn't want to tell him yet.

I walked out of the dormitory to meet with Ginny in the common room, she got up from the couch by sitting with Harry, Ron and Neville to walk over to me.

"Hey! What's up? Everything okay?" She asked me.

I sighed, "Ginny I'm scared."

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant."

She gasped hugging me, "oh my gosh Mione! I'm so happy for you! Are you going to tell Draco?"

"Yes but that's what I'm scared about," I tell her, "I don't know how he'll react."

"He's going to be happy Mione, you're the only one carrying his child and he'll love you more," she said.

I smiled, "thank you Ginny, I'm just scared."

"It's okay Mione, it's okay to be scared. This is your first child with someone you love," she said.

I smiled and gave her a hug, "thank you so much."

"You're welcome Mione, break a leg on telling him," she said.

I walked away to head out while the group looks at me concerned, I was going to meet with Draco in the great hall when all of a sudden I heard laughter. I looked around and behind me but there was no one, I had a sudden feeling it was Pansy or Bellatrix.

As I reached the great hall, I see Draco talking to Blaise and Crabbe. Luna came up to me putting her hand on my shoulder, I felt as if she heard the news about me being pregnant.

"Go to him Mione, he deserves the news," she says.

I looked at her, "thank you Luna."

She nodded, I walked over to him and see he looked up at me smiling. He gets up coming over to me planting a kiss on my lips, feeling this made me feel more calm than I had felt before.

"Hello love, are you alright?" He says to me.

I smiled, "Draco, I have some news to tell you."

"What is it love? It's not about these nightmares is it?" He asked me.

I chuckled, "no it's not darling, it's something else."


"I'm pregnant."

He stood there shocked and surprised, I was nervous on what he was going to say, "Draco? Please say something."

Instead of being scared and nervous he came towards me giving me a kiss on my lips, "I'm so very happy love, I'm just glad that I'm the father of our child instead of that weasel."

I smiled, "I'm happy too darling, just please don't leave me."

"Love I'll never leave you, why would you think that?" He says.

I sighed, "just I don't know, I feared you'll turn back to the days where you were mean to us."

"Love that was in the past, I'm not like that anymore. Vera helped me throughout those times, it may as seem that I am like my father but I'm not. He was abusive, rude and would yell at my mother. I won't be like that towards our child, I promise you love," he tells me looking into my eyes.

I smiled, "thank you darling, I'll keep that promise in mind. If I ever see you discipline our child, you're going to get it okay?"

He smirked, "alright then love, you'll discipline me whatever you please."

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