Chapter 17 || The Apology

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Hey guys! This song is for Lucius apologizing to Hermione, it may sound as though it's different but it sort of compares to how he feels about everything.

Not only is he apologizing to her but to himself, his family, everything.

Hope you like it! :)


Lucius' POV

I was pacing around the living room floor anxiously waiting for Hermione and Draco to arrive, I just hope she can forgive me and set this whole thing aside.

"Darling it'll be alright, please come sit," Narcissa said sitting on the couch.

I took a breath, "Cissy what if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't forgive my apology?"

"Lucius calm down, it'll be alright trust me. Just please come sit next to me," she tells me.

I gave a sigh and sat down next to her, the door lock clicks as I watched Vera open up the door, "good afternoon, master Draco and miss Granger."

My breath was caught in my throat, we stood up and Narcissa looked at me knowing that my look became pale. She nudged me to breathe, I took in a breath and felt a little dizzy but caught myself to not lose balance.

"Hello mother, father," Draco greeted.

She stood next to him feeling a bit tense while seeing myself in the room with her, Narcissa held out her arms, "oh hello my dear boy, and hello miss Granger."

Both of them exchanged hugs, then of course it was my turn to return the greeting, I hugged Draco, "hello son."

I turned over to Hermione who was now trembling beyond compare, Narcissa nudged me to say something, "h-hello miss Granger, it's lovely to see you again."

Lovely? What the bloody hell is wrong with you?

I felt the confusion and tense build up, at this very moment there was no more fooling around. I sat down next to my wife feeling confident enough to apologize to her, I felt more like myself and not out of it like before.

"I brought you two here today so that I could apologize to Hermione Granger, on how I treated her and even you my son I couldn't fathom to know how terrible it made me feel. I've been a death eater ever since my third year in Hogwarts, I was young before so I couldn't really officially become a member until I became of age. Hermione I've treated you horribly and I've treated Draco, Narcissa, Vera and even Dobby the same. I was succumbed to the Death Eaters, the Dark Lord and everything. What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry I treated you this way, I'm sorry about everything and what I've said about your family. I presume Draco has treated you the same by becoming my evil self to you and your friends, I never meant for him to become that way towards you and to your friends. Hermione I'm sorry, I'm sorry to myself, I'm sorry to Draco and I'm sorry to Narcissa. You don't have to forgive me right away but this is me saying sorry on the way that I treated you, I don't want to be the same way when the baby comes. I just hope that one day you'll forgive me."

Narcissa wiped her tears away that fell, Draco's lip quivered at my heart felt apology while Hermione sat there with tears ready to fall. I already know that she's going to burst, reminded me of Molly Weasley.

"Thank you for that apology but I'm going to say things that'll be harsh for you and mistress Malfoy to hear so pardon my words, Lucius you've treated Draco horribly. All you cared about was fame, being on the Dark Lords side while he sat on the throne like he's royalty. I couldn't even imagine how you treated your own wife behind these doors, even when Bellatrix was around. You all saw how she treated me in your own home! Not to be sentimental but she deserved to die, sorry mistress but it's true! I'm not sure if Draco mentioned this but ever since she marked me, I've been hearing her laugh ever since, I even got possessed by her too. Pansy was killed by Draco because she tried to kill me, have Bellatrix take over my body as a host and do something to my body that I couldn't even imagine. Lucius I'm glad you're doing better, but I can't let any of that horrible tragedy go. It's going to take a while for me to forgive you, I appreciate the apology I do. I'll just need some time to think about it when I'm a part of this family, I thank you for apologizing," she says wiping her tears.

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