Chapter 16 || The Return of Lucius

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Hey guys! Sorry for slight delay on posting, with the outbreak of the virus going on it's kinda hard to keep track on posting but I'm back!

The song is the theme song for Lucius Malfoy's return to the manor, being a father to his only son and providing a good sense of humor to his future grandchild. Also to be a good husband to Narcissa.

I hope you guys like it!!



Lucius' POV

I walked along the stoned passage way towards the manor that I've never thought I'd see again, being locked up in Azkaban made me realize what a horrible man I've become. To not only my wife, but to my son.

Knowing my very sense that I didn't want him to fall in love with a MudBlood, but he's been loving her secretly ever since the day he mentioned her to me about her existence.

Now that she bares a child, I know deep down I need to change my ways now that the Dark Lord is gone. I should no longer in tolerate my insignificant behavior to my family, that is why I shall give up my wand to Narcissa to hold onto.

As I approached the door, I was greeted by Vera the house elf who seemed to unlike my presence after I treated her so horrible. She shivered at my sight seeing me stand before her, hiding herself behind the door peeking out from behind it.

"M-master! Y-you're back?" She quivered.

I half smiled kneeling down to her, "Vera I was released from Azkaban last night, I'm on parole while wearing this anklet to withheld myself from preventing me to use magic. Listen, I'm so terribly sorry of how I treated you and Dobby. They put us into therapy and had us do all kinds of things, please Vera I ask for your forgiveness."

She took a minute but seemed to fully come out from behind the door, she walked over towards me putting her small hands on top of my face, "never had I imagined my own Master apologizing from all the violent things he's caused, and for that Master I forgive you."

I smiled giving her a small hug, then I heard heels cackling inside the manor and as I looked up I saw my beautiful wife standing there. With me kneeling on the ground made me flashback to the very day I proposed to her, before the war, before Draco was born and before every possible thing that had changed our lives.

Flashback- April 1972

(A/N: I don't know exactly what month he proposed to her but all I know from looking it up is that they fell in love and got married from the years 1972-1979. That's all I know lol, don't judge!...carry on)

I picked out beautiful lovely flowers for my beautiful girlfriend Narcissa Black, I never imagined this very day on proposing to her and being happy with her. She knows I'm a Death Eater, I truly don't like becoming one but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Bellatrix LeStrange knows all about the proposal, including Severus Snape. My parents indeed know of it, and are very truly happy for me. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her gorgeous self being sorted into Slytherin with me along with Bellatrix, every day within those moments her and I had gotten closer each year as they went by.

We fell in love and now today was when I was going to propose to her and get married, she was indeed the love of my life.

"Are you ready Lucius?" Bellatrix asked me straightening out my shirt after picking up flowers of her choosing.

I nervously smiled nodding to her, "y-yes, oh no Bellatrix I'm not. What if she says no? I'm doomed aren't I? I'm a failure."

"Lucius you're not a failure! Listen to yourself! Don't you even dare get cold feet while my sister is standing out there on that hill awaiting your arrival! Now go on out there and propose!" She ordered while standing me up straight.

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