Chapter 2 || Love at First Touch

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Hermione's POV

When Draco walked away I was stopped by Professor McGonagall, which concerned me was that she was smiling at me wondering what was happening with Draco and I.

"Do I feel a love sensation for Mr. Malfoy from you?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.

I half smiled looking down, "well to be fair professor, I've had these feelings for him ever since we were eleven. I could tell he feels the same way, it's just new to me— a feeling I've never felt before."

She smiled taking in a breath, "miss Granger, I've seen the way he looks at you in the Great Hall whenever you don't look at him. Yes he was with Pansy but he doesn't love her like he does to you, all though I'll never know the truth about the way he feels."

I smiled and nodded, "I'm not in trouble now am I?"

"Of course not, but you should indeed get to class dear," she says to me.

I smiled, "thank you professor."

"You're welcome dear."

I walked off holding my books, knowing that she's the only one who knows about my feelings I don't know how to even put this to words. The way he makes me feel, the way he smiles at me, the way he talks so nicely and calm to me makes my heart skip a beat.

When I got to charms class, I sat down next to Ginny thankfully the bell hasn't rung yet. Harry and Ron sat behind us, they knew something was up when I didn't come to class earlier.

"Where were you?" Ginny asked me.

I looked to her with a smile, "in the library."

She smirked at me, "with whom I presume? I remember seeing Draco coming into class with a smirk but frown like look on his face, he was looking at the door for someone to walk in. Once you came in, it was like he lit up."

I gave a silent chuckle, "he found me in the library, we talked and he told me how sorry he was while he cried. It was the first time I've actually got to see him cry, I even mentioned the time when Harry, Ron, Draco and I got to spend detention with Hagrid on our first year in the forbidden forest when he had run off like a girl."

She laughed covering her mouth, "that's so stupidly funny, did you both laugh at that?"

I smiled nodding, "indeed we did, but after that he kept staring at me smiling. I asked what, he said that I was just beautiful nothing else."

"Oh. My. God Mione! Tell me more! What happened next?" She said leaning in more.

"He almost kissed me."

She gasped looking shocked as is, "blimey! How'd that make you feel?"

I smiled while I felt my cheeks get a little warm, "felt like my heart just bursted inside my chest, I wanted to kiss him Ginny. But professor McGonagall stopped us telling us to go to class."

"Oh my, did she talk to you?" She asked.

"She did, she even noticed how we both felt for each other cause she would catch Draco staring at me in the Great Hall while I'm talking to you and the boys," I said to her smiling.

She smirked, "my, my even the professor knows about your little secret love towards him."

I chuckled, Professor Slughorn walked into the class telling us that we will be partnered up but on the opposite side of the class— Draco was having a fit with Blaise that caught even myself and the rest of the class off guard.

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini, what seems to be the problem?" Professor Slughorn asks them.

My hands got clammy knowing that my feelings had struck a nerve, "I can't work with Blaise! He's being a total— wimp!"

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