Chapter 20 || A Malfoy Wedding & Birth of Scorpius

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Hey guys! Sorry it took long to write this last chapter.

Don't play the song until I tell you! :)

I'm also thinking about writing a bonus chapter, like an epilogue to end the story. Should I? Lol let me know!

Enjoy! :)


Hermione's POV

Today was the rehearsal of Draco and I's wedding, I'm currently seven months and five weeks, I've been visiting Pomfrey for my weekly appointments. The baby is healthy and so am I, I got the newest ultrasound picture of our son Scorpius.

With him getting so big, my stomach now looks like a balloon ready to pop, but as Pomfrey has said it she says I'm not ready to pop just yet. But now, Draco and I are preparing our wedding in the rehearsal, my father was with me to prepare for walking down the aisle.

"Never had I imagined giving away my only daughter on her wedding day, I'm just so thrilled," he says excitedly.

I chuckle, "now father don't you start crying on me now, just wait until tomorrow for the big day."

"You're going to look so beautiful," he says smiling.

I smiled, "thank you father."

"Alright, is everyone in their places? Good, so once the music starts, the priest and the groom will walk down first. Then it'll be the grooms mum and the brides mum walking together, and of course it'll start with the bridesmaids and the groomsmen. Now that everyone's in their places, let's get started shall we?" The wedding planner announces.

My parents had recommended this wedding planner since she had helped with my parents' wedding, just by seeing her do her work for our wedding it really amazes me at how well she's doing for her job. My bridesmaids were Luna, Susan, and Fleur, while my maid of honor was Ginny. Draco's best man was Blaise, while his groomsmen were Harry, Ron and Crabbe.

I'd never thought in my life that I finally am getting married to the man I loved from the beginning, I just never thought it would happen to a girl like me, especially after him and Pansy dating. Just the thought about her and remembering what happened just really upsets me, I had to keep my cool while standing next to my father, he doesn't know about the murder of Pansy.

Upon walking down the aisle, there was a commotion going on, I looked at my father confused as to what was happening, when we got closer to the altar it seemed that Pansy's father and mother had found us. I tensed up seeing them arguing with the security, but as they acknowledged my presence the mother broke through and ran over to me.

"You! You murdered my daughter!" She yelled as she was approaching me.

"What?" My father asked stepping away.

"Father it's not what you think, she's gone mental!" I told him.

Draco had ran over with his mother and Lucius, "what the bloody hell is going on here!"

"She, she murdered my daughter! You, you were supposed to be Pansy's boyfriend!" The mother yelled.

Draco scoffed coming to my side holding me close to him, "I only dated your daughter for a little while, now I'd watch what you say in front of my soon to be wife and the mother of my child! Your daughter was mental and almost nearly killed Hermione by bringing back my crazed aunt! Yeah, that's right. Hermione was possessed by her and your daughter almost killed her, so I had to kill her myself! Now if you'll excuse us, we have a wedding rehearsal to attend to, and you're not invited!"

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