Chapter 4 || Love at first passion

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A/N: Hey! Just letting y'all know that this may be a chapter where it'll kick off some of uh...well you know 😏 lol. Hope you guys like it! :)


Hermione's POV

I woke up on a Sunday morning smiling, last night was amazing. I couldn't get the texture, feeling and moment of his lips off mine. It felt like a dream to me but, it was indeed real.

Ginny walked out of the bathroom from showering while the towel was wrapped around on her head to dry her hair, "morning sunshine! Seems like somebody slept happily."

I chuckled, "morning Ginny, you're up early surprisingly."

She smiled, "that's because Harry and I are going out for a stroll, he's going to surprise me by doing something which I don't know of."

I remembered Harry mentioning to Ron and I about proposing to her, just didn't know when he was going to do it. By the odds of him telling, it made it seem like it was going to be in the evening to be more romantic.

"Oh, you'll love it," I said smirking, "but to answer your comment about me sleeping happily, I did enjoy last night."

She gasped while running over to my bedside plopping herself down, "how was it? Was the food good? Luna and I had to make it very special for the two of you, but was it amazing?"

"I loved it, but most importantly on what happened last night made me burst with so much excitement I couldn't dare hold it in any longer," I said to her smiling so much to the point my cheeks were starting to hurt.

She got comfortable, "what happened?"

"He kissed me."

She paused then let out a squeal while throwing her legs and feet in the air, "oh my god I knew it! I bloody knew it! This just proves that you two were made for each other!"

I laughed while she hugged me so tight feeling my back pop, "thank you Ginny, I hope all goes well for you and Harry."

She let go sitting back down then gave a wink, "why of course it would! I've had a crush on him ever since we met when I told him 'good luck' on running through nine in three quarters for his first year, I'll never forget that day. Even when I saw him eating breakfast at our house, it scared me because I didn't want my feelings for him to become official just yet."

I gave a nod, "I know all about it Ginny, you told me remember?"

She laughed, "oh right, well I best be getting ready. You should too, even though Draco is off hanging with Blaise today but I'm sure he has separate plans aside for you. From what I've heard."

She trailed off leaving it hanging, she turned to her wardrobe to pull out an outfit to wear for her stroll with Harry. But was stunned to see what Harry snuck in her wardrobe, a beautiful gown.



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