Chapter 3 || Love at First Kiss

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Draco's POV

"Is it all set?" I asked Ginny nervous as I am for this evening.

She chuckled nodding, "yes Draco it's ready, you don't have to worry. I've put the invisibility cloak around the basket for your dinner, I've got the outfit I picked out for her to wear. Trust me after tonight she's going to love it, I don't want you to worry."

With my hands shaking I stood there with confidence giving a nod back, "thanks Ginny, make sure she doesn't find that."

"I won't, now go! Go see her at the library telling her your plans," she says with a smile.

I gave a nod, I gave her a slight hug then quickly headed off to the library to see her. My heart jumped knowing she was going to like this, I wanted it to be a normal classy dinner with just a little picnic by the lake.

When I got to the library I saw Blaise talking to her, with him smirking at her made me burst with anger. But I had to keep my cool, I walked in taking a breath then sat myself next to her.

"Since when did you start coming to the library?" I asked Blaise sitting next to Hermione.

She let out a little laugh, Blaise gave a scoff glaring at me, "since I started to chat with your girlfriend, I knew something was up so I headed in the library to find her beautiful self with her head in the books."

I glared at him back, Hermione let out a laugh while holding my hand to calm me down, "thank you Blaise for that, but for your information we're not dating."

I left my eyes from Blaise to now her, I smiled at her, "Blaise mind if I speak to her alone?"

"Why don't you want us around anymore?" Blaise groaned.

I gave a sigh, "tell you what, tomorrow we can hangout till lunch alright? I need to spend at least some time with Hermione."

He smirked getting the message but not that message, "Ooh okay I see, well you two have fun. Nice to finally meet you miss Hermione."

She chuckled while he kissed the top of her hand, I got tense but calmed down by breathing in and out. I didn't want her to get the first impression of me getting jealous, indeed throughout this love fest I have for her I will get jealous.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about Draco?" She turned to me smiling.

I smiled but then it faded when I saw her arm, it bled through once again, "when did that happen?"

She looked down letting out a soft sigh, "this morning, you were nowhere to be seen so I wanted to wait to tell you when I saw you next."

I took her arm to my lips and gave it a kiss knowing that a kiss like that wouldn't make this scar better, I held onto her hand once more.

"Thank you for telling me Hermione, whenever it happens again we need to tell professor McGonagall," I tell her.

She nods, "alright, but anyways what did you want to tell me?"

I smiled once again, "I have plans for us this evening, I'll meet you in the courtyard at eight alright? Don't eat dinner in the Great Hall, don't want you getting full."

She smiled and nodded, "sounds lovely, what do I wear?"

"Pick out anything Hermione, your beautiful face is all I need to see with that amazing smile of yours," I tell her.

She began to blush while looking away, "alright, thank you Draco. I can't wait to see you at dinner this evening."

I smirked while winking at her, I hopped off the table by looking at the time, "I best be off to get everything prepared."

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