Chapter 15 || First Ultrasound

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Hermione's POV

Today I'm already eleven weeks and three months pregnant, Draco and I were going to the hospital wing to find out the gender of the baby. Technically to Madam Pomfrey this is the first time she's ever done a pregnancy ultrasound, luckily she had all the tools.

I walked out of the common room wearing a shirt that made my belly show, it was a plain tight shirt and comfortable jeans I wore too. I put on my comfortable shoes as well, and had my wand in my back pocket.

Ginny was with me, Ron and Harry were playing a match game of quidditch with Blaise and Crabbe. Usually it was supposed to be Draco and I going to find out the gender but Ginny wanted to come along, I enjoyed her company.

"Are you excited for your ultrasound? To find out the gender of your guys' baby? I'm really excited for you," she tells me.

I chuckled, "I'm definitely excited, Draco thinks it'll be a boy but I think it's a girl."

She smiled, "I think it's a girl, I don't see why all the boys think it'll be a boy. But, who knows the ways of men."

"I don't know if I told you but you've been an amazing best friend to me, I don't know what I would do without you," I tell her.

She smiled hugging me, "of course Mione, you've been the greatest best friend I ever had too."

"Well, isn't this lovely?" A familiar voice sounded coming from around the corner.

Ginny and I both glared at the blonde haired girl coming toward us, "Daphne Greengrass, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Hm, a littler birdie told me that the famous MudBlood is pregnant with our most popular Slytherin, Malfoy. It's sad to say but he would've been better off with Pansy," she says, "oh pardon me, she's dead."

I looked at her, "Daphne just get out of our bloody way alright? We have somewhere to be."

"Oh and where's that? To pay your respects to Pansys grave?" She asked.

"Shut up Daphne, Pansy is as good as gone. No one gives a bloody damn shite about her except you, almost everyone forgot about her existence. Now get out of our way or we'll have to cast a jinx on you," Ginny said.

She smirked, "whatever, I just hope Pansy possesses the life out of you MudBlood and you ginger haired Weaselette or so help me I'll—"

"You'll what Greengrass? Cast a charm that you wrote yourself when it doesn't bloody damn work? Save your threats blondie, we need to get somewhere and you're in our way," Draco said appearing from behind her.

She glared at him, "Malfoy I was just—"

"Leaving? Yes please do excuse yourself from our very own eyes," he said.

She scoffed and walked off, Ginny and I both chuckled at his remark towards her. Seems as though she's more scared towards him than she is to us, one of the reasons why I love Draco so much.

We walked towards the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey was awaiting our arrival. As we approached, she greeted with a smile. My hands got more clammy and sweaty by the minute, but luckily Ginny and Draco are here.

"Hello mister Malfoy, Miss Weasley and miss Granger. Come," she greeted while ushering us to follow her.

As we walked in I heard laughter, not of Bellatrix but of someone else, I looked behind me and saw someone walk down the hallway from where we were looking at me. I figured it was Daphne or her stupid friends, but it wasn't.

It was of someone who I recognized, I couldn't quite figure out who it was and I was indeed shocked breathing in heavily. Without looking I bumped into the utensil tray with all the equipment to use for surgery's, I fixed it by putting it back in place when all three of them stared at me.

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