Chapter 18 || The Bump & The Nightmare

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Hermione's POV

As months traveled fast to June, my stomach has gotten big and now everyone knows around Hogwarts. Including the first years. But the professors are indeed happy about the baby, Draco and I were going to my checkup appointment to see how our son is.

Harry and Ginny were tagging along, both of them decided for a midsummer wedding in mid August. Next month Ginny and I will be going dress shopping, I do hope I'll find a dress that's well fitting for a pregnant woman like me.

We had two weeks before finals, I am five months and two weeks pregnant. My scar has gotten worse than before, nightmares seem to be spiraling out of control, I seem to always find myself waking up in the same place over and over.

Guessing now I sleepwalk, it's very unusual of me to do so. Ginny always finds me in the same exact spot, but somehow I got this feeling tonight's nightmare will be different.

"Mione? Earth to Mione!" Ginny says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? What?" I asked.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

Each of them stared at me as I was going to break, "I'm fine, let's get on with the checkup shall we?"

Ginny still stared at me as the boys talked ahead of us, "what is it Mione, you had the thinking look on your face."

I sighed, "it's about my nightmares, I'm scared that tonight's dream will be somewhere else where you guys can't find me."

"Oh pish posh Mione, that's not going to happen!" She says giving my arm a light slap.

I stopped staring at her, "Ginny I'm serious."

"Mione, calm down okay? The last thing Draco needs to worry about is seeing you dead somewhere with your baby inside, now come on Pomfrey and the boys are waiting," she says.

I gave a sigh, "I'm sorry, it's just I haven't gotten any—"

"Sleep? I know, I can see it in your eyes," she says cutting me off.

I guess it is noticeable.

We got to the hospital wing seeing Pomfrey already prepared for the ultrasound checkup, but first she had to checkup on me.

"Hello everyone, and hello to you too Hermione with the little one," she said air pinching her fingers towards my belly.

I chuckled, Draco had his hands on my shoulders behind me on the seating chair, Ginny sat down as Harry was besides her. Pomfrey did every doctors checkup that you could think of, as she was done she had to checkup on the baby's heartbeat on my belly.

As she finished it was time for the ultrasound, I laid back down as Draco hovered over me so sweetly. I put my t shirt up, she did the magic and we saw our son on the screen.

She smiled, "looks like your baby boy is healthy! He's already kicking up a storm in there isn't he?"

I chuckled, "yes he is, he's been hungry a lot for the feast. His main meal is roast beef or pot roast, mainly the beef section."

She laughed, "I see! Well you're almost halfway there miss Granger, keep up on being healthy and your baby will be just fine."

I smiled, "thank you madam Pomfrey."

"Of course."

As she took a couple snapshots of the ultrasound, we had to send one to Draco's parents to give them an update on how their grandson is doing.

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