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After the school incident that put me in a hospital and almost killed Maya, we were no longer allowed to do experiments in any laboratory. We were under police surveillance for two weeks checking on the quality and safety of the students. But it wasn't until two weeks after the explosion that all the necessary repairs were completed. In the meantime, I managed to finally visit Maya and chat with her. She's already regaining some form of movements but she will be forever trapped in a wheelchair. I met her mother today too. Sweet woman. Unfortunately from what we discussed the government offers close to no support for disabled people and her mom will have to quit her current job and switch to a personal assistant for her daughter. Meaning that she'll now be Maya's person for everything that she used to do on her own including coming to school. 
When we returned the teachers didn't cuddle us but hit us from the first week with term paper tests. By the time I finished the last of the papers it was June. Damn, when did time fly by?
This is only more reasons to get anxious as we'll get the results for that summer camp by the seaside the next week. I can't wait for the results and I hope I won it cause I need a vacation so hard. I want to swim in the sea and feel free of all the drama and worries. 
So in the first week of school like the usual, just wanting to take my seat in the first period but I couldn't as I was stopped in my tracks by a tall and blonde guy. 

I missed him...

I looked up at him and smiled. I was in a good mood so I was going to play along with whatever his game is. 

Just when I was waiting for some mean thing to come out of his mouth or a punch in the face I felt warmth. He hugged me tight and held me with my face buried in his chest. I longed for his perfume and body heat but I no longer fall for this. Yes, he's a very handsome and seductive guy but I have clarity now.

'What was this for?' I asked without a single shadow of pink cheeks. Everything was in control.

'Can't somebody hug and comfort someone who was on the brink of death?' he said innocently.

'Oh!' I felt so embarrassed right now. He felt genuinely worried about me.

'That's so very kind of you, Adrian. And I do appreciate and want to thank you for you know... saving me and Maya.' I said as candid as I could. And it was true. If it wasn't for him I'd probably be dead.
'But where were you all when I and Maya were on the floor? Where were you when I screamed for help as I tried to pull both of us out? Huh? All of you ran!' I now said pointing at everyone mildly screaming and panting with rage.
'Thanks to all of your selfish arses Maya now is confined to a wheelchair for life with God knows what chance at recuperating her motricity! I watched as every single one of you ran out the door without taking a look back at us. Yes, I could've gotten out on my own too but I wanted to help Maya. Because I care. Because people matter. Because we shared this time together and I know she'd do the same. So I hoped from all of you. But go on about your lives as it's more important to make fun of the odd ones. Enjoy the selfies you took 2 minutes after you got to safety. I should've selfied myself as I was dieing maybe then you would've noticed me and Maya.'

'That's enough Mister Diaz!' said a very stern voice. 

I jumped at the sound of it. I could now see how everyone was looking at me like some sort of lunatic. They looked as if their last brain cells died and couldn't comprehend a word I just said. They look like a bunch of sheep that still go through the gate even if the fence is no longer there and could literally just not try to squeeze through it. 
I felt a hand on my shoulder gently pushing me towards my desk. I think it's the first moment I really should be thankful Underwood exists in my life. I swear if he wouldn't have taken me back to my seat I would've charged at some of those losers starring at me. I face Maya who had tears in her eyes and her mom who was wiping them and hers as well. Yes her mom is now the one who take notes for Maya and I can already feel the hostility building all of a sudden around them. After all, we now have a constant adult in class with us.

I was mad at anyone even Emma. Not even she had the courage to help me out in the fire. And if you come to think I completely forgot that I was left to perish in the fire by my classmates if it wasn't for Adrian's hug to remind me I almost died.

*phone chimes

It was Emma texting she feels sorry for the 10th time. I didn't even open it now. Just read it from the notification bar. I will eventually forget her and get over it but right now as odd and weird it may seem the only persons I don't hate right now are Adrian who's my bully and Maya who I neither hated before nor felt that we were close in any way. I have a feeling we'll become great friends. I do tend to protect the weaker and if the hostilities do build around her I'll be there for her.

The following week I got the results from that volunteering contests. I WON!! In fact, all of us three won. So roommates with Nathan. What could go wrong? This week I also pretty much got my final results and they were way better than first term but all in all it didn't make much of a difference. I'll remain in tier II scholarship for the next term as my yearly average isn't greater than 9,50. Even so, I am very pleased about the work that I accomplished given all that has happened. All that is left is to find the silver lining of the past events to end on a good mood this two weeks of school before the holidays. 

I am looking forward to more me-time, Netflix and chill, the return of Andrea... well still temporarily but she'll stay a whole month before leaving again. I can't wait to bathe in the sun and swim and then bathe again... God, I love the sea and Summer.


And that was it friends. First-year of high school for our boy Diaz is now finished. I do hope of a better and more promising response from you as I now have to decide whether or not mark the story complete and go for a second book for the second year or just continue to write all years in one book.

I hope those of you who have read it that you liked it. I wait for suggestions and comments or anything that you feel the need to share. 

Also, I don't know if you are interested in a chapter where Aiden tells the story of how his holiday was so please tell me.

Thank you as well for everyone who chose to read this story up to last chapters even though it's not great writing :)))

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